Snitz Forums 2000
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February 9, 2025

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     Hall of Fame
     Winners from 2002
    Past Snitz Excellence Award Winners! (2002)
     Site/Author Month/Year Comments
    R7 Designer Community
    Robbie Edwards (robbear7)
    December 2002 This month's winner demonstrates an exemplary clean and professional style which gives the visitor a comfortable browsing experience. Easy navigation between the main site and the forum community is made possible due to the tightly knit integration menu system which also proves that you don't need a lot of flashy items nor an overload of mods to become a Snitz Hall Of Fame Award recipient. Congratulations on a job well done!
    Visimation's Visio Forums
    Adam Lofstedt (lofty)
    November 2002 This month's winner uses both color and graphics to good effect to produce a relatively unique looking forum. There is customization evident in several areas of the forum; new icons implemented along with some layout changes to integrate it with the remainder of the site. Color scheme is also easy on the eyes. Congratulations!
    Ez4arab Forums
    Ez4arab (Ez4arab)
    October 2002 This month's winner has an attractive color scheme which blends very well together with the icons. Extensive use of CSS (cascading style sheets) gives a great look and feel throughout the forum. Congratulations! Forums
    Jeff Hester (ROB)
    September 2002 The site for this month's winner is very well organized and provides a wealth of information. The layout and implementation of the forum was well thought out and works very well with the rest of the site. Congratulations! Forum
    Ryan (asp_storm)
    August 2002 This forum is unique and clean looking in black & white (even most of the icons). It's well integrated with the site, for a great consistent look and feel. Congratulations!
    burning souls forum
    Dayve Harris (dayve)
    July 2002 How long would you spend customizing your forum? This months winner seems to have spent countless hours customizing to create this very unique forum. The judges loved the many customizations along with the color scheme that can be changed (among many other features), in the personal page for each member. This is outstanding work and the judges feel that this forum deserved this months award. Congratulations!
    PalmVenue Forums
    Chiz (Chiz)
    June 2002 The color scheme blends very well with the rest of the site. The login/logout section just above the forum table is a nice touch, as well as the unique icons used throughout the forum. Overall a very nice looking forum. Congratulations! Forums
    nozzer (nozzer)
    May 2002 The most unique aspect of the forum for this months winner, was the clever CSS integration they implemented into their forum. You have the ability to change the colors of the entire forum with one mouse click, to another color theme that the admin of the forum has provided. Along with the professional clean look of the forum, and the integration with their website, we thought this one deserved this month's award. Congratulations!
    Brangwyn Reardon (Gremlin)
    April 2002 This Forum is well laid out, and has appealing graphics that do not cause the Forum to be slow in loading. The colors work well together, and it also works perfectly in Opera (oftentimes a rare thing). Well designed site Navigation as well. Congratulations! Forums
    D3mon (D3mon)
    March 2002 A refreshingly original implementation of the forum. The integration with the site is excellent. Great work with the new XP style icons and colors. It's clean looking with a nice feel to it. The whole site is also fully compatible with Netscape and Opera (which is rare these days). Congratulations!
    Roland Pot (FrutZle)
    February 2002 It's unique design and the interesting choice of colors, which really work, made stand out as the Snitz Forums 2000 Excellence Award Winner for February 2002. The Forum looks 'clean' (as opposed to untidy), and you are not confronted with too much information at one time. All in all, very nicely done. Congratulations!
    Ken S. (Kenno)
    January 2002 The Snitz Site of the Month Award, for the first time in the new year, goes to Forums. We have seen from previous award winners how they integrate thier forum with the rest of thier site. Forums has done just that also. The judges also liked how the forum was presented, with a nice clean look, making the forum looking simple yet quite elegant, along with the choice of colors that blend in with the rest of their site. This forum was in a league of it's own. Congratulations!

    See Past Winners from 2001

    Know of a site that should be considered?

    Check out the Awards Program page for more information on what the rules are, how you can nominate sites and how these people actualy won!

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