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United States
5768 Posts

Posted - 13 April 2009 :  14:01:34  Show Profile  Visit AnonJr's Homepage
Originally posted by KC

It gets better, you can cut off entire countries.
I mean are you really going to get a user you want in China, Japan, Russia, or Nigeria?
Well... yes.

Also, while it is true that fewer people are on dial-up, a lot of ISPs are using proxies to manage their users - which means if you ban an ISP's proxy you'll ban everyone behind that proxy. Alternately, if you ban a school's proxy you'll ban everyone in the school. There are a fair number of mischievous people who count on you not wanting to ban a school or ISP...

Its been my experience that this is one of those things that looks good on paper, but doesn't work as intended in reality.
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Forum Admin

United Kingdom
20587 Posts

Posted - 13 April 2009 :  17:37:53  Show Profile  Visit HuwR's Homepage
we have quite a few legitimate users from China, Russia, Japan and Nigeria, and to be honest banning an entire country could be construed as racist.

There is absolutely no substitute for good adminis and moderators.
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Junior Member

152 Posts

Posted - 14 April 2009 :  14:15:13  Show Profile  Visit KC's Homepage
All true except the racist part.
I also use a cookie that is set as soon as someone DL's a file, but as mentioned a simple Clear Cookies ends that check.

This site is your friend
Use the free IP Info box at the bottom to see where an IP came from.

I made an app called ModHelper.asp I thought I had posted up here but couldn't find.
I'll make it a generic stand alone and put it on my Webmaster forum.

In short you can list just all new users so far that day, or all users that day, and it has search boxes for the whole member database by e-mail, ID, name, and even partial IP address and lists the first and last dates they visited.
You can list just admin/mods and just locked memberships with and without posts.

Lets say for example you have a guy using 93.84.*.* and 93.85.* pestering you.
You check DNS tools and find it's a proxy server in Belarus.

So you use ModHelper to look up 93.84. and find only he has ever used it.

No problem, just add this to global.asa

'snoop from Belarus 4-7-09
if left(Request.ServerVariables("remote_USER_AGENT"),6)= "93.84." then
Response.Redirect ""
end if
if left(Request.ServerVariables("remote_USER_AGENT"),6)= "93.85." then
Response.Redirect ""
end if

The redirect page can say whatever you want.
However, the redirect can't point to an .asp page or global.asa will put your server in an endless loop so just make it an html page.

As your sig says HuwR, There is absolutely no substitute for good adminis and moderators.
I'm managing 5 sites with me and one other Admin and one Mod.
It's pretty easy to check the modhelper and look for duplicate IPs, who's new and click their profile and see what they put. Profiles with no info but name are always suspect.

As far as always getting any identifiable info for a given PC you'd have to do something like Microsoft does with "Genuine DIS-Advantage" and force everyone to install a very intrusive program on their machine.

Owner of and Elite Computers.
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Support Moderator

6780 Posts

Posted - 15 April 2009 :  04:32:00  Show Profile
Originally posted by KC
All true except the racist part.
I'm curious as to why you don't think this could be construed as racist? Disallowing all memberships from a certain country just because a small group of its population are responsible for a bit of spam is no different in logic to saying you're not going to allow any Muslims join your forum just because a small group of them are known to have tendencies towards terrorism. If you tried to use the same logic in a situation in the offline world, you'd soon find yourself facing charges of discrimination.

Search is your friend
“I was having a mildly paranoid day, mostly due to the
fact that the mad priest lady from over the river had
taken to nailing weasels to my front door again.”
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New Member

54 Posts

Posted - 15 April 2009 :  06:39:45  Show Profile
That's all good but my problem children come in through AOL Pool IP's
205.188.117.X 205.118.116.X 64.12.116.X 64.12.117.X
Now I have some very decent members that also come in through those IP's
The problem members are all from the USA
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Average Member

671 Posts

Posted - 15 April 2009 :  07:00:41  Show Profile  Visit SiSL's Homepage
Originally posted by Shaggy

Originally posted by KC
All true except the racist part.
I'm curious as to why you don't think this could be construed as racist? Disallowing all memberships from a certain country just because a small group of its population are responsible for a bit of spam is no different in logic to saying you're not going to allow any Muslims join your forum just because a small group of them are known to have tendencies towards terrorism. If you tried to use the same logic in a situation in the offline world, you'd soon find yourself facing charges of discrimination.

Heh, I'd be doomed twice then since majority of latest Snitz vulnerability attacks were from Turkey In old times, used to do that. Believe me, it's not a good feeling if you are a legimate user.

You can ban certain free mail hostings and such that attackers used to use. But banning entire country, that's whole another low, as low as countries banning web sites.

CHIP Online Forum

My Mods
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Edited by - SiSL on 15 April 2009 11:44:27
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Junior Member

152 Posts

Posted - 15 April 2009 :  12:22:35  Show Profile  Visit KC's Homepage
Originally posted by MikeB.Lynn

That's all good but my problem children come in through AOL Pool IP's
Very difficult. You have to monitor and lock them. If you have a unique e-mail address setup they will soon tire of making new e-mails.

One other helpful thing is to have a lengthy register process, I think mine is 4 pages with tests for e-mail, referrer, etc.

And enough with the racist BS, this has nothing to do with race, I am still scratching my head wondering how you could even mention that, it is only about servers regardless of who uses that server.

Raciest? Discrimination charges? Pffff. That really does have to be the stupidest thing I have ever seen online regarding protecting your own server.

Owner of and Elite Computers.
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United States
5768 Posts

Posted - 15 April 2009 :  13:13:32  Show Profile  Visit AnonJr's Homepage
Originally posted by KC

Raciest? Discrimination charges? Pffff. That really does have to be the stupidest thing I have ever seen online regarding protecting your own server.
If I decide to ban Israel because I'm getting a lot of spam accounts/hack attempts from that IP range/country code - its still racist/discriminatory to ban the entire country.
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Forum Admin

United Kingdom
20587 Posts

Posted - 15 April 2009 :  15:29:48  Show Profile  Visit HuwR's Homepage
sorry KC, but banning someone just because they come from a specific country is racist no matter what you think to the contrary
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Senior Member

1163 Posts

Posted - 15 April 2009 :  15:50:13  Show Profile  Visit bobby131313's Homepage
Well it really has everything to do with intent in my opinion. If I ban all users from Nigeria from visiting my site it would be because I'm tired of the Nigerian scammers attacking my members, not because I'm a racist and hate all Nigerians. In other words, anyone that would call me racist if I banned Nigeria from my site, would be wrong.

Most apartment owners don't allow cats, but to generalize and say it's because all apartment owners hate cats would be wrong.

Switch the order of your title tags
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Forum Admin

United Kingdom
20587 Posts

Posted - 15 April 2009 :  16:06:35  Show Profile  Visit HuwR's Homepage
that is an incredibly stupid analogy. racism has nothing to do with hate, if you are banning someone based purely on their origin or ethnicity then it is racist descrimination, hate has nothing whatsoever to do with it, and disallowing cats from an apartment has bugger all to do with anything.
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New Member

54 Posts

Posted - 15 April 2009 :  16:41:47  Show Profile
I never said anything about banning someone just because of the country they came from.
I'm really upset that this thread was turned into that.
All I want to do is have only one membership allowed from the same computer.
I don't care what country they are from (to be perfectly blunt my problem is with my brethern from the USA).
My issue is with members registering multiple accounts from the same machine. Seems (to me) the arrogant Americans (of which I am one) feel the need to have more than one account so they can cause as much trouble as they want and still have a backup account to visit the forum and cause more trouble if they get banned.
That's it pure and simple................

Edited by - MikeB.Lynn on 15 April 2009 16:44:29
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Senior Member

1163 Posts

Posted - 15 April 2009 :  16:53:10  Show Profile  Visit bobby131313's Homepage
Fine Huw, incredibly stupid analogy.

But I still stand by my statement. I can ban a country without being a racist, regardless of what anyone says. No one can get in my mind but me. definition of racism....

1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others. I don't believe that at all.

2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race. I'd be blocking a high scam area, not a specific race. I'd be blocking IPs in Nigeria because they're disruptive, not specifically those of the Nigerian race.

Switch the order of your title tags
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United States
5768 Posts

Posted - 15 April 2009 :  17:06:02  Show Profile  Visit AnonJr's Homepage
You do realize that by saying you're blocking all IPs in Nigeria because they're disruptive, you're essentially saying that all Nigerians are disruptive - ergo all Nigerians ought to be banned. QED that's racist.
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United States
5768 Posts

Posted - 15 April 2009 :  17:09:57  Show Profile  Visit AnonJr's Homepage
Originally posted by MikeB.Lynn

I never said anything about banning someone just because of the country they came from.
I'm really upset that this thread was turned into that.
All I want to do is have only one membership allowed from the same computer.
I don't care what country they are from (to be perfectly blunt my problem is with my brethern from the USA).
My issue is with members registering multiple accounts from the same machine. Seems (to me) the arrogant Americans (of which I am one) feel the need to have more than one account so they can cause as much trouble as they want and still have a backup account to visit the forum and cause more trouble if they get banned.
That's it pure and simple................

Sorry it got out of hand. That happens from time to time with certain subjects - like banning, IP blocking, etc.

The short answer, if you haven't noticed, is that the best solution is a good staff of Admins and Moderators to lock the duplicate accounts. Require unique e-mail addresses and eventually they will tire of creating new accounts and either stop or go somewhere else.

Cookies are too easy to get around, and can potentially cause problems with shared computers. IPs are too blunt an instrument for what you are trying to do here.

If you would like, I can lock this topic so those that wish to move the semi-related issues surrounding IP/Country blocking can move it elsewhere if they wish.
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