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113 Posts

Posted - 16 April 2009 :  07:31:12  Show Profile  Visit davidkirk's Homepage
I recently sent an email through the Constant Contact service to my forum members. I have three questions:

1. I got 130+ bounces, not surprising since the forum hasn't been "culled" of old members for at least four years. However, I can't find a way to search for these members by email address (as opposed to first or last name or user name, which are the only options in the member search function.) Since many user names have no relationship to the related email addresses, it's virtually impossible to find and delete these members with bouncing e-mail addresses.

2. I seem to remember from years ago that if you delete a member who has posted on the boards, that the database will get corrupted. Perhaps this only relates to members deleted by editing the dbase itself as opposed to using the "delete member" function within the admin panel. If I can figure out how to locate members by email address, is my forum at risk of being messed up if I delete them using the admin panel?

3. Has anyone figured out a way to integrate Constant Contact with Snitz so that Constant Contact does the work of maintaining the subscription list while Snitz still recognizs new members for posting purposes?

David Kirk

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6780 Posts

Posted - 16 April 2009 :  07:34:38  Show Profile
1. admin_member_search.asp

2. No, only if you manually delete the record from the database.

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“I was having a mildly paranoid day, mostly due to the
fact that the mad priest lady from over the river had
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Junior Member

113 Posts

Posted - 16 April 2009 :  09:40:30  Show Profile  Visit davidkirk's Homepage
Thanks, Shaggy! I'm finding that many of the email addresses I am searching on this wonderful page are not yielding any members to delete, leading me to believe that they are newsletter subscribers rathern than forum members. Is there a similar way to search subscribers?

David Kirk
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113 Posts

Posted - 16 April 2009 :  10:03:02  Show Profile  Visit davidkirk's Homepage
Related, I think: I tried to correct an email address by editing a member and got the error below. What should I do to correct this?

Your request was not sent due to the following error: The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The server response was: 503 This mail server requires authentication when attempting to send to a non-local e-mail address. Please check your mail client settings or contact your administrator to verify that the domain or address is defined for this server.

David Kirk
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Junior Member

113 Posts

Posted - 16 April 2009 :  11:19:06  Show Profile  Visit davidkirk's Homepage
The plot thickens ... I called my ISP about the email error message and they magically fixed that problem, by changing my server to "localhost." However, in the process, we've discovered that the email server is "not authenticating" even though we've edited the proper file (found info on another posting, inc_mail.asp) to include my user name and password. We've been testing this by posting replies to various messages in forums to which I am subscribed, and I am not receiving e-mails about new postings. Apparently, this problem started some months ago when they moved my site to another server and I've been unaware of it. I recognize that I have taken a turn from my original question so if this needs to be moved elsewhere, please feel free to move it. (And sorrty for any inconvenience.)

David Kirk
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