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New Member

54 Posts

Posted - 11 April 2009 :  12:40:29  Show Profile
I've done a search but can't find the answer.
I wish to only allow one member registration per computer. Seems I have some people that are registering multiple accounts.
How do I do it.


United States
5768 Posts

Posted - 11 April 2009 :  13:16:36  Show Profile  Visit AnonJr's Homepage
The short answer is you're not going to prevent it. You can make it hard, but...

Requiring a unique e-mail would be the first step. There are some who would suggest futzing with IPs, but in this day and age of TOR they can get around that if they really want to.

Also, assuming you could do what you wanted, that would mean in any situation where there are multiple people sharing a computer (i.e. library, internet cafe, dorm) you would be effectively blocking everyone after the first person.

The better question is why are they doing this, and what would address this root cause. Also it would help to know how you know that they are the same person.

I've got a couple of people who are double-registered, but its because they didn't visit in a while and forgot their password. And the big fricken link that says "Forgot your password?" wasn't a good enough clue on how to fix that.
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Forum Admin

United Kingdom
20587 Posts

Posted - 11 April 2009 :  13:40:29  Show Profile  Visit HuwR's Homepage
you can't do it with IP as that does not indicate a single computer, I have 5 computers here, but to the forum they all have the same IP ie my routers IP
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Advanced Member

4208 Posts

Posted - 11 April 2009 :  19:06:14  Show Profile
That's not the only reason that IP limiting won't work. All of the people connecting thru ISPs like AOL get new IPs assigned at every connection. Dial-up providers and most of the older DSL and ISDN systems work that way also. So you could have one person registering a new account with every time he/she uses the Internet because the IP address would be different every time.

Using cookies won't work, either. If the person is deliberately registering new accounts, simply deleting the cookies before reconnecting will prevent cookies from blocking the computer. Unless there's a method that I'm unaware of to retrieve a hardware ID (most hackers won't bother removing and changing parts to get around this), there's no method that's any better than the next.

The flaw with using a hardware ID retrieval is the same one that Anon pointed out ... users of any publicly-shared computer (i.e., Kinko's) will be unable to register after the first user does.
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New Member

54 Posts

Posted - 11 April 2009 :  21:00:32  Show Profile
The answer to anon's question is I have a couple of trouble makers.
I can't zap the ip because they use AOL and I would end up zapping every AOL user because of a few (handful)of jerks .
I was hoping there was some way to flag the machine they are on with cookies or something.
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United States
2391 Posts

Posted - 11 April 2009 :  21:00:46  Show Profile  Visit Etymon's Homepage
You could hit them where it hurts.

Charge them a membership fee. Then, later, at your own discretion, you can refund them or offer them some other kind of kudos.
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Forum Admin

United Kingdom
20587 Posts

Posted - 12 April 2009 :  03:12:52  Show Profile  Visit HuwR's Homepage
why not just lock their accounts ? most normal people only have 1 or 2 valid email addresses so they will soon not be able to re-register
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New Member

54 Posts

Posted - 12 April 2009 :  04:20:20  Show Profile
HuwR- Tried that. They go to yahoo or hotmail and create a new email and register then start again.
short of banning all the domains I was hoping for an easier solution.
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Forum Admin

United Kingdom
20587 Posts

Posted - 12 April 2009 :  04:40:42  Show Profile  Visit HuwR's Homepage
ther is no easy solution, your best bet is to contact their ISP, what they are doing almost certainly contravenes their ISP's code of conduct for web users
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Snitz Forums Admin

26364 Posts

Posted - 12 April 2009 :  10:10:41  Show Profile  Send ruirib a Yahoo! Message
The IPGate mod can use cookies to ban members, so it can be effective... if members do not clean their cookies...

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Forum Admin

United Kingdom
20587 Posts

Posted - 12 April 2009 :  10:21:46  Show Profile  Visit HuwR's Homepage
if someone is going to the trouble of creating new email addresses to re-register, a cookie isn't likely to deter them
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Junior Member

United Kingdom
296 Posts

Posted - 12 April 2009 :  13:54:51  Show Profile
why not ban hotmail/yahoo address's so people cant register with them? its quite easy to do. There is a forum thread with instructions somewhere.
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Forum Admin

United Kingdom
20587 Posts

Posted - 12 April 2009 :  15:15:08  Show Profile  Visit HuwR's Homepage
lots of legitimate people use yahoo and hotmail addresses, you really shouldn't penalise them all because of a couple of morons
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New Member

54 Posts

Posted - 12 April 2009 :  16:45:20  Show Profile
Exactly HuwR.
Lodger, I have that domain ban Mod all in place and use it very sparingly as I do the IPGate Mod.
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Senior Member

1163 Posts

Posted - 12 April 2009 :  21:20:57  Show Profile  Visit bobby131313's Homepage
Wasn't someone at one point working on a mod around here that would make a users posts only visible to themselves? I think that would be awesome for these types of people. Just let them think they're stirring the pot, but only admins and them can see the posts.

Switch the order of your title tags

Edited by - bobby131313 on 12 April 2009 21:21:55
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Junior Member

152 Posts

Posted - 13 April 2009 :  13:34:55  Show Profile  Visit KC's Homepage
Ahhh, a topic I very familiar with.

I have multiple gaming sites with add-on Upload and Download ability and since I limit the free download to 2 a day I get people making multiple memberships.

I finally solved that by just not giving new members any downloads but the 2 free that are randomly generated each day.
They can make more memberships, but it's just for the same files each day until they buy a $5 membership ;-}

I'll assume you just have unwanted posters Mike.
That's simple, just set the moderated option for new posts.
Kids like that quickly tire of trying.

After nearly a decade with keeping unwanted people out however I'll share some more.

Fewer and fewer people use dial-up with changing IP's these days.
What they do is use 3rd party open proxy servers when they have a fixed IP.

In short, they go to a proxy server that allows them to enter a web site to visit, and their IP will show as that servers.
What these idiots don't realize is these 3rd world servers aren't doing that to be nice, they are saving everything that happens through the whole web connection.

The ironic part about this is you can IP block these entire servers without fear you'll be cutting off a potential wanted user now and ever in the future ;-}

It gets better, you can cut off entire countries.
I mean are you really going to get a user you want in China, Japan, Russia, or Nigeria?
Those are the top countries doing it.

I'll compile what I do over the next few days and post it in this topic in my new Webmasters forum.

You computer guys might find that site useful beyond the help and mods, the MY PC part is pretty cool and shows off my best work yet.

For the rest of you that want to make a cool site, you can see in action how to use Snitz as the base of your whole member system yet add anything you can dream of and make it look seamless.

Owner of and Elite Computers.
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