Yeah, should be quite easy... just come back to me about this (I'm sure I'll forget it ) when the new version's out and I'll let you know how to do this.
My suggestion: Let ratings and comments be editable/updatable. Websites change and so do opinions.
stwilson - with some table prefix changes, you would be able to run multiple instances of this. It would require some programming on your part though, I don't think it'll be able to do this "out of the box".
OK, I have now the following details for links built in:
From LM 2: - Title - URL - Email - Description - Keywords - Banner URL
New Ones: - Name (Submitter) - Street1 - Street2 - City - Zip Code - State/Country - Phone
You can turn on/off if they're shown/required, except Title (always required). If anyone has some details which could be important and I could add, let me know. Thanks.
The main requirement for me would be able to have categories and sub categories. This I assume could also be used as a download manager? So the ability to upload a file/files would be benificial. Can the description include HTML - ie putting in thumbnail pictures - again very useful for a download manager. Not that I want to hijack a good links manager and turn it into a download manager or anything :-)
You can use the Links Manager as a "Download Manager" of course, but I won't include any upload features;
I've already written a MOD called FileCenter. I never released it mainly because it was for uploading by Admins only and didn't check for any security risks and all that stuff (so you had to be careful what you enter). I might work on it again if anyone's interested.
BTW - you can use Forum Code in the description (that means you can post images ).
Excellent news about the description - how about the categories/sub catagories - can live without the upload feature as it can be done elsewhere. Is there a method of admins/nominated users approving the links before they are published? One final question - when :-)
I could test it too if there is any need.. I want to have a link manager on my forum but the one's I tested don't work.. I use Serverhackers code and MySQL db.