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Testing Forums This forum gives you a chance to become more familiar with how this product responds to different features and keeps testing in one place instead of posting tests all over. Happy Posting!
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Help: General / MVC version(v1.XX) This Forum is designed for users to support each other in the use of Snitz Forums 2000 and to give them installation help.
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Help: General / Previous versions Note: we only support the current version. There will be no bugfixes for previous versions. But, if you really want to use an older version, then you might find someone that wants to help you here.
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Help: Database: MS Access Having problems with MS Access? Please post questions here to give others a chance to help you, and for you to help others! If your problem is not specific to MS Access, please post to the "GENERAL" support forum.
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Help: Database: MS SQL Server Having problems with MS SQL Server? Please post questions here to give others a chance to help you, and for you to help others! If your problem is not specific to MS SQL Server, please post to the "GENERAL" support forum.
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Help: Database: MySql Having problems with MySql ? Please post questions here to give others a chance to help you, and for you to help others! If your problem is not specific to MySql, please post to the "GENERAL" support forum.
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Help: Mail Configuration Having problems with Mail Configuration? Please post questions here to give others a chance to help you, and for you to help others! If your problem is not specific to Mail Configuration, please post to the "GENERAL" support forum.
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Help: MOD Implementation Having problems with MOD Implementation ? Please post questions here to give others a chance to help you, and for you to help others! If your problem is not specific to MOD Implimentation, please post to the "GENERAL" support forum.
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Help: Authentication: NT Having problems with NT Authentication? Please post questions here to give others a chance to help you, and for you to help others! If your problem is not specific to NT Authentication, please post to the "GENERAL" support forum.
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Help: General / Current Version (Old) This Forum is designed for users to support each other in the use of Snitz Forums 2000 latest version and to give them installation help. Please post questions here to give others a chance to help you, and for you to help others!
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Suggest Content Do you have ideas for content for the web site FAQ? Perhaps you have a new money making idea? Want to submit a review of this product for possible addition to our Testimonials page? This is the place!
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Show-Off Your Forums This forum is intended to be a place for users to post URL´s directly to their Snitz Forums 2000 sites. Only Snitz Forums please !
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Code Support: ASP (Non-Forum Related) Here you can post questions about ASP, and other users can post answers, or if you know a question commonly asked about ASP and have the answer already, post that too! We´re all in this together!
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Community Discussions (All other subjects) Have something you think doesn't belong in any of the other forums ? Want to relax from coding for a while, this is the place to be.
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DEV Bug Reports (Open) This forum is designed to report bugs in the code of the Snitz Forums 2000. This is not a Support Forum (that is up above).
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DEV Discussions (Oracle) This is the place to discuss converting this forum over to use an Oracle database. NOTE: We currently don´t support this feature.
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DEV Discussions (VFP) This is the place to discuss converting this forum over to use a Visual FoxPro database. NOTE: We currently don´t support this feature.
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DEV Bug Reports (Closed) This area is to archive posts that have been fixed in version 3.4 (and previous versions) (These posts will be deleted once a final and stable release has been confirmed [honestly, we will this time ]).
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DEV Internationalization (v4) A Forum to develop, translate, debug and get help on internationalized version of Snitz Forums 2000 (namely v4.0). Current version is v4b03.005 and we are working towards v4b04...
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MODs?last post by EtymonDo y'all have any Snitz Forums Classic ASP MODs you want to share?
Microsoft SAPI in ASPlast post by HuwRI'm trying to use a MS voice from a vbscript ASP file, run on a local host application. Here's the affected section of code:
Dim speaks, speech speaks = rsD("Bee") Set Girl = CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") Set Girl.Voice = Girl.GetVoices.Item(0) Girl.Rate = 3 Girl.Speak "<pitch absmiddle = '8'/>" & speaks If Err.Description > "" Then Response.Write Err.Description
I'm getting a "Class Not Registered" result. but if I use the code in a stand-alone .vbs file (with the value of 'speaks' specified), it works fine. My best guess is that it's related to permissions, but I haven't been able to set any that work.
Hi, it's been a long timelast post by HuwRI randomly started wondering how things were going here, it's been so long...
I stopped doing any serious programming when I quit working at the hospital due to serious depression and burnout in December 2017. These days, the only programming related stuff I do is make some occasional Minecraft resource packs, and manage a couple Jekyll websites. Sadly forums just aren't the draw they used to be.
I've since moved and now my day job is now repairing and refurbishing stringed instruments. I love working on guitars, but since I'm the new guy again I mostly work on keeping the company's rental fleet in order... lots of violins, violas, and cellos. And occasionally upright basses.
I'm almost recovered from a very ... interesting ... couple years. End of September 2022 I went to the local emergency room for what I thought was a bad med withdrawal since I was changing depression meds... and woke up in the Duke ICU being told I had Acute Leukemia. Short version is I very nearly died. I was so far along my left lung was starting to collapse, I had 52 brain bleeds (2 major, 50 minor), and blood factors that the ER physician didn't think could look that bad.
It's a miracle I'm here. As a man of faith, I truly believe it's a miracle. Despite the brain bleeds, none impinged on my grey matter - they had to do multiple rounds of CT just to confirm because they couldn't believe it. It was a rough road of chemo, radiation, and marrow transplant.
I've been back to work since this past October, and I feel mostly back these days. Since the transplant means my immune system is a clean slate, so I've had to go through the full immunization series again. The second series I had this past Wednesday really knocked me down, but I've only got one more to go in August. Hopefully this coming February (2 years post-transplant) things will be good enough I can get off the last anti-rejection med (which is also a low-grade oral chemo, and not fun).
Happy to be here, and just randomly though of you guys and wanted to know how things are going with you.
Edit: I was doing some live streaming on Twitch that I hope to get back to soon, and I usually post the vids later on YouTube.
VBScript is about to removed from Windows OS!last post by EtymonWhen I read through these forums, I get a little depressed and hopeful at the same time. This little Classic ASP developer community has - pretty much like all other ASP communities - been blown away by bigger and more popular players in the web development industry. Classic ASP developers and products have become completely irrelevant over the years.
MicroSoft is to blame. It focussed on .NET and dropped Classic ASP and its friendly community back in the days. I wish I had never used Classic ASP in the first place and that I would have used PHP from day 1 back in 1998. It would have meant a big deal looking back at my web development career.
Replies only moderated.last post by CarefreeVersion 3.4.07 which is working very well. I am forum admin and logged in as such. I set one of my forums to "Replies only Moderated". A member has replied to one of his own posts and alerted me to approve his reply. I do not see his reply so that I can approve it. He sent me a screenshot of his post awaiting moderation but it does not appear on my screen. I tried to change the "Moderation" setting but I received a warning that I have to moderate the post before I can change the moderation setting (logical). I guess the issue is in forums.asp but where?
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