I am running a version of Snitz that is a modification of the Snitz/Huwr implementation and I am getting the following error in 'inc_footer.asp'.
'Object doesn't support this property or method'
I have isolated the part of the code where the error is occurring but I am not sure how to fix it. If someone can help I would appreciate it. My users are complaining about the error and It may be a browser issue.
Here is the code segment: The line with the error is in bold
var d=new Date(); var s=d.getSeconds(); var m=d.getMinutes(); var x=s*m; f='' + escape(document.referrer); if (navigator.appName=='Netscape'){b='NS';} if (navigator.appName=='Microsoft Internet Explorer'){b='MSIE';} if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE 3')>0) {b='MSIE';} u='' + escape(document.URL); w=screen.width; h=screen.height; v=navigator.appName; fs = window.screen.fontSmoothingEnabled; if (v != 'Netscape') {c=screen.colorDepth;} else {c=screen.pixelDepth;} j=navigator.javaEnabled(); info='w=' + w + '&h=' + h + '&c=' + c + '&r=' + f + '&u='+ u + '&fs=' + fs + '&b=' + b + '&x=' + x; document.write('<img src="' + file + '?'+info+ '" width=20 height=20 border=0>');
I believe it is the code for that digital clock on 'www.EastPasco.com' which shows up at the top of the forum. I would have placed this in other forum if I had isolated it to that level before the post. I will try taking the time display out and see what happens.
Shoot, now I am not sure it is even that.. It may even be that statistics mod. It's hard to tell. I will take out the offending code and see what I am left with hehe.