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New Member

85 Posts |
Posted - 20 April 2001 : 09:30:52
Here are 2 scenarios. I keep my forums in a password protected area of the site.
1). When a users membership expires I delete their account(I haven't done this yet). If the user has posted messages and I delete their account, will that cause problems within the forums for displaying the messages they posted?
- If I have a 2 forums with the same message base but a different member table(Different memmbers per forum) will the messages in Forum 1 that are posted by Forum 2 members show up correctly?
I guess he bottom line question is, How will a message display if the user that posted the message is not in the member table?
Sorry for the long winded question..
RL |
Average Member
United Kingdom
577 Posts |
Posted - 20 April 2001 : 09:40:05
you will find that you get problems when you delete a member that has posted, you could try testing this by making a test member and a post with that member and see what happens.
Advanced Member
United Kingdom
3065 Posts |
Posted - 20 April 2001 : 09:45:38
I just tried this on my forum and the topic disappeared on the display but not from the database.
I then changed to T_AUTHOR field for that topic to a member who does exist (1 - admin) and the topic reappeared.
I wouldn't delete members if they have posted if I was you.
New Member

85 Posts |
Posted - 20 April 2001 : 09:50:01
Well, that answers 1 Question. But what about those people that want to "Share Forums" with a different member base? Does that mean this can't be done?
How would I go about setting a member access to inActive or lock them out? Is there a field in the member table for that?
RL |
Advanced Member
United Kingdom
3065 Posts |
Posted - 20 April 2001 : 10:06:25
I don't think you can share members. Or if you can then whatever you do to a member will apply to both forums.
You can lock a member but this is going to apply across the board.
If this is incorrect, I am sure someone will be quick enough to shout!
Forum Admin
United Kingdom
20587 Posts |
Posted - 20 April 2001 : 10:30:15
This is not correct, when you delete a member it checks the post count for that member, if it = 0 it deletes the member, if it is > 0 then it should set the status to 0 and chnage the name to n/a
Advanced Member
United Kingdom
3065 Posts |
Posted - 20 April 2001 : 10:33:29
Ok. Fair enough, but I assume that is a forum function rather than a straight delete?
I think that if RedLeader was to write his/her own SQL to do this delete, then there may be a problem?
HuwR, can you direct us to the correct function to which you seem to be referring?
Forum Admin
United Kingdom
20587 Posts |
Posted - 20 April 2001 : 10:37:06
This is what happens if you delete a member from members.asp it calls pop_delete.asp with mode=DeleteMember, the code is towards the end of po_delete.asp
Obviously doing any sort of change to the forum data using SQL and not the forum, is not to be recomended unless you fully understand the relationships between the data.
Advanced Member
United Kingdom
3065 Posts |
Posted - 20 April 2001 : 10:44:50
exactly as I expected. I just wanted to highlight this to RedLeader. 
New Member

85 Posts |
Posted - 20 April 2001 : 11:59:10
Ok. That makes sense. My users are stored in another table outside of the Forum_MEMBERS. So I have 2 copies of the members. 1 for my site, 1 for the forums. If I use the code at the end of pop_Delete.asp in a trigger or other stored procedure I should be ok. Or at a minimum, set the newly deleted members status to 0.
Do I have it right?
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