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 Suddenly unable to complete new registrations!!
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Posted - 07 May 2009 :  09:12:54  Show Profile  Visit phillyguitar's Homepage
Morning folks,

I'll be brief as I can:

We (a non-profit membership org/club) have been using Snitz 3.4.06 with no trouble for several months and have had 20-30 active members posting regularly.

However, beginning this past weekend NO new users have been able to complete their registrations and I do not believe I have made ANY changes to cause such trouble (I'll detail my earlier MODS/changes below).

At this time,

1. New registration notices continue to arrive via email

2. I login as administrator

3. I approve registrations of our paid members and disregard my spammers

4. Newly approved registrations receive an email indicating their registration was approved:

"Hello test

You received this message from PCGS Member's Forum because you have registered for a new account which allows you to post new messages and reply to existing ones on the forums at

Please click on the link below to complete your registration.

You can change your information at our website by selecting the "Profile" link.

Happy Posting!"

However, when the user follows the link above (you're welcome to try my test acct!) or when I attempt to manually activate the acct. via the administration panel, the following error messages appear:

"There Was A Problem With Your Details

You must choose a UserName
Your UserName must be at least 3 characters long
You must choose a Password
You must provide your first name
You must provide your last name
You Must give an e-mail address
You Must enter a valid e-mail address
E-mail Address already in use, Please Choose Another

The only changes/MODS I have made are:

1. Installed IPGate Mod early on and have blocked fewer than 6 abusive IPs (this org has NO members hailing from Russia, India or Czecheslovakia!)

2. After encountering this issue and searching some prior posts, I installed the Referrer Mod just yesterday evening after suggestions that firewalls in certain apps could affect this final registration step.

3. For better or worse, I also added code to inc_header.asp as described in this post:

If I can provide further info/data or bits of my .ASP files, please let me know!

Thanks crew!


Snitz Forums Admin

26364 Posts

Posted - 07 May 2009 :  10:19:15  Show Profile  Send ruirib a Yahoo! Message
Probably a text version of your register.asp would help.

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Posted - 07 May 2009 :  11:17:31  Show Profile  Visit phillyguitar's Homepage
Here you are:


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Snitz Forums Admin

26364 Posts

Posted - 07 May 2009 :  12:56:15  Show Profile  Send ruirib a Yahoo! Message
A simple file comparison revealed that a pretty large chunk of code, precisely the code that dealt with confirming emails, was missing.Try this: Changed register file.

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3 Posts

Posted - 07 May 2009 :  13:13:07  Show Profile  Visit phillyguitar's Homepage
Thanks so much! That did the trick.

Apparently, I mistakenly removed the code with an earlier modification and simply hadn't received registrations for a few weeks. In either case, thanks again for your help & I promise I'll be certain backup my data IMMEDIATELY and will do so regularly from this point forward!

Take care!

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Snitz Forums Admin

26364 Posts

Posted - 07 May 2009 :  13:39:21  Show Profile  Send ruirib a Yahoo! Message
You're welcome .

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