I have experienced an error message when trying to create an additional forum under the category heading. On submitting the new forum heading and details I get the following error:
Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005' Field 'FORUM_FORUM.F_LAST_POST' cannot be a zero-length string. /forum/post_info.asp, line 1584
Is it something to do with database settings or coding within post_info.asp (text file here) I have version 06 and using access db I notice the db settings for L_POST are set required to 'no' Any help would be appreciated
Yes but get the following: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e31' Timeout expired /forum/search.asp, line 349 ????? I did search as much as poss...
ok, tried access alone : No Matches Found hence asking in Help: General / Current Version (v3.4.xx) Any previous forum headings can be edited but it is only we try to add a new forum heading. line 1584: my_Conn.Execute (strSql),,adCmdText + adExecuteNoRecords
Okay thank you - Looking at my access database the T_LAST_POST properties, the allow zero length field is set to NO. Rather than downloading the whole db file and changing the property, is there some quick code to use in the admin features of Alternative MOD Setup
No way to do without downloading the database. There was an Access database management script that allowed Db changes online, but I can't remember the name.
What modifications have you made to your code, there is no mention of F_LAST_POST anywher near line 1584, and you should not have to make any changes to the default access database, certainly not to the allow zero length property anyway.
Thats right Huwr, line 1584 has my_Conn.Execute (strSql),,adCmdText + adExecuteNoRecords but I think it might be associated with the split topic mod??? Not sure. I file compared this file and the spilt topic code is there along with <!--#INCLUDE FILE="cal_post_info1.asp" --> ConfusedDotCom!!!!
The main reason I ask about modifications etc is that the database that comes with snitz already has F_LAST_POST set to allow zero length strings, so am intrigued as to why your database would be different