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gary b
Junior Member

267 Posts

Posted - 26 April 2008 :  20:05:33  Show Profile  Visit gary b's Homepage
Before I undertake a new project, I find I need some information. My questions are:
1. What are the ten (10) most commonly installed MODs?
[Please feel free to rank what you believe to be the top 20 MODs.]
2. In your opinion, what MOD is/was the most difficult to install?
3. Is version .07 scheduled to be released anytime soon?
4. Is there a composite list of bug fixes?
5. Is there one central place (forum?) that contains all bug fixes?
6. What MOD would you like to see available?

Your input would be appreciated.

Average Member

589 Posts

Posted - 26 April 2008 :  20:51:10  Show Profile
3) I don't think so. I think the emphasis is on the .Net version
4,5) for forum bug fixes not all mods and the download has been updated with all fixes
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United Kingdom
20585 Posts

Posted - 27 April 2008 :  03:41:53  Show Profile  Visit HuwR's Homepage
3) yes there will be a .07 version, the emphasis is NOT on the .net version
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United Kingdom
1722 Posts

Posted - 27 April 2008 :  07:39:57  Show Profile  Visit MarkJH's Homepage
1. Top 5 at SnitzBitz
2. From memory (haven't really installed many new MODs over the last few years) it was the Poll MOD. -
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Average Member

783 Posts

Posted - 27 April 2008 :  09:13:02  Show Profile  Visit Panhandler's Homepage
Originally posted by MarkJH

1. Top 5 at SnitzBitz
2. From memory (haven't really installed many new MODs over the last few years) it was the Poll MOD.

The Poll Mod instructions were greatly improved somewhat recently. The Poll Mod has only one instruction step that needs some re-writing, but overall is a clear install.

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Senior Member

United Kingdom
1722 Posts

Posted - 27 April 2008 :  10:02:13  Show Profile  Visit MarkJH's Homepage
Well, it wasn't so much the Poll MOD directly, it was more the hassles involved when applying other MODs once the Poll MOD code was in place. -
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Support Moderator

6780 Posts

Posted - 28 April 2008 :  05:09:40  Show Profile
Originally posted by gary b
1. What are the ten (10) most commonly installed MODs?
[Please feel free to rank what you believe to be the top 20 MODs.]
While it's not definitive, Snitz Bitz will give you a fair idea of how most mods rank in popularity. (Warning: anyone who uses this topic as an excuse to engage in yet another pointless "debate" of why mod X is more essential than mod Y will find my boot up their hole! )
2. In your opinion, what MOD is/was the most difficult to install?
That all depends on your own skill levels but, obviously, the poorer the documentation supplied with a mod, the more difficult it is to follow what's going on. As already stated, though, if you're not totally familiar with the inner workings of Snitz, the biggest difficulty you'll have is installing multiple mods that require changes to the same sections of code.
3. Is version .07 scheduled to be released anytime soon?
See Huw's answer. There is, however, no set date for release.
4. Is there a composite list of bug fixes?
5. Is there one central place (forum?) that contains all bug fixes?
See link provided by Phy. Note, though that the current download does not include all bug fixes, only the recent active.asp patch; v3.4.07 will contain all the fixes.
6. What MOD would you like to see available?
Difficult to answer that one really; see my warning in reply to your first question.

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