The classifieds ad mod in its current form is VERY easy to install/implement. One very small code change in a single file (unless your images are not in the root forum), run the dbs file, and you're in business. If your images are located elsewhere (or in a sub-folder), you need to make the following change to "classviewAds.asp". Lines 153-157 should be replaced with the following:
<% if mlev > 0 then %>
<p align="center"><b><font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strDefaultFontSize %>" color="<% =strHeadFontColor %>"><a href="classplacead.asp?catID=<%= catID%>" ><img border="0" src="<%= strImageURL %>class.gif">Place an Ad</a></font></b></p>
<% else %>
<p align="center"><b><font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strDefaultFontSize %>" color="<% =strHeadFontColor %>"><a href="policy.asp" ><img border="0" src="<%= strImageURL %>class.gif">You must be Registered as a member to place an ad</a></font></b></p>
<% end if %>