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 Update from table to another
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Average Member

845 Posts

Posted - 28 October 2007 :  21:13:49  Show Profile
A very basic level ques but forgot how to do it :

Want to Update One table based on a status from another table in MS-Access.

Help ?

Doug G
Support Moderator

6493 Posts

Posted - 28 October 2007 :  23:49:01  Show Profile
Well, you could have a secretary record the status value, then type it up and fax it to a fax-to-email transcription service that emails to the receiving department. They could then implement some OCR software on the email fax image to extract the value into some usable variable that can be proofed by another qa employee, who will then create an IT action request (in triplicate) and submit it to the IT department for a batch processing update run.

Or were you looking for something else? Perhaps is you actually explained what you want to accomplish some constructive help will be forthcoming.

Doug G
Computer history and help at
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Average Member

845 Posts

Posted - 29 October 2007 :  08:31:16  Show Profile

Was my question , incomplete or difficult to understand ?
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Average Member

589 Posts

Posted - 29 October 2007 :  16:27:15  Show Profile
No it was easy to understand but it helps to know what in detail you want to do so we can get a mental picture of what needs to be done and names can be put on the values. Also if you just copying values it's much easier than getting multiple values and updating multiple records. So context can be of help when trying to solve a problem. So right now the best advice I could give is get the value(s) from one table. Open a connection to another and update that table. Not very helpful. So if you could explain your problem in greater depth that would be much appreciated.
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Doug G
Support Moderator

6493 Posts

Posted - 29 October 2007 :  21:13:22  Show Profile
Originally posted by kolucoms6

Was my question , incomplete or difficult to understand ?

OK, open Access. Open the query designer and add a new update query. Add the two tables. In the relationships window, drag a relationship you need to link the tables. Add a condition based on the status. Run the query.

Doug G
Computer history and help at
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United Kingdom
2897 Posts

Posted - 30 October 2007 :  13:04:16  Show Profile  Send pdrg a Yahoo! Message
Yep, the problem is that there are many many different answers to your question depending on a host of factors, but from where you're standing you can't see that there may be, which is why Doug G probably had a giggle with you. A fuller, more detailed explanation would help as phy1729 says.
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