quote:I've had fine results simply mapping the 2nd through last characters of the most offensive 6 or 7 bad words with punctuation marks, e.g. f#@! Very few users have gamed the system and people seem to appreciate this approach that preserves their meaning while at the same time maintaining decency for our broad audience.
Since this isn't a Snitz related question it's hard to give an exact answer since you can flag and replace words 1000 different ways. Without using a RegExp, try something like this.
Set a var to your replace characters and make it long enough to cover any words that need replacing.
var = "$#%@#$%^#$!%!#$%#%$^$%^$@!#%#$^$%^&%^&*%^#&$%^#@$%%#$!%"
For Each Found_Word Replace(string, Found_Word, Left(Found_Word, 1) & Left(var, Len(Found_Word) - 1)) Next
A RegExp approach is better if you can use it since its pattern matching is far superior and you don't waste time on needless replace loops.
I didn't see these replies until after doing a search for something similar this morning. I must have gotten caught up with the holidays last year and misplaced recalling to visit this topic again.
Thank you for the replies. It helped me again with the search I had to do today!