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 Unable to establish connection: MS access
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Posted - 27 October 2007 :  17:11:29  Show Profile
IIS server 5.1
MS Access DB
DB path: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\DB\mydb.mdb

set con = server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")
Con.Open "siteDB"

siteDB is System DNS configured to the path mentioned above.

I keep getting:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '(unknown)'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.

IUSR_<compname> has permissions to the directory and db file (read, read&Execute, modify and write)

The DB is not open by any other user when I try to get to it.

I used to be able to connect. Not sure what changed or could possibly cause the issue...

Anyone? Ideas?



Starting Member

2 Posts

Posted - 28 October 2007 :  10:35:31  Show Profile
Ok, found it.

If you know that you have all the right permissions to the database directory and file as I mentioned in my first post, then you need to check the permissions on the TEMP folder.

Ensure that IUSR_<COMPNAME> has read/write to c:\windows\temp
From reading elsewhere, apparently MS ACCESS uses that directory when being accessed.
Now, I'm not 100% sure if it's IIS that needs access to the directory or the actual IUSR_<> that needs it. (some site mentioned IIS others mentioned IUSR) Looks like IUSR fixed my issue so I'll go with latter.

But I do have another prob. C:\windows\temp is a nasty directory (see for yourself). This directory can take up to 30% of your hard drive space.

There is a nifty little utility called windirstat.exe - windirstat1_1_2-exe-unicode (Windows Directory Statistics) - Google it... that you can use to check it out...

Basically what I did was create a batch file that runs on startup. It cleans that directory therefore freeing harddrive space. (Thanks Bill...)

rd c:\windows\TEMP /s /q
md C:\windows\TEMP

Questions is: Does anybody know a way for me to "RE-ADD" the correct permissions to IUSR_<COMPNAME> through a .bat file?
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United Kingdom
2897 Posts

Posted - 30 October 2007 :  13:06:43  Show Profile  Send pdrg a Yahoo! Message

Have a hunt through the Technet Scripting Centre - likely to be something in there to help?

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