IIS server 5.1 ASP MS Access DB DB path: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\DB\mydb.mdb
set con = server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection") Con.Open "siteDB"
siteDB is System DNS configured to the path mentioned above.
I keep getting:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '(unknown)'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.
IUSR_<compname> has permissions to the directory and db file (read, read&Execute, modify and write)
The DB is not open by any other user when I try to get to it.
I used to be able to connect. Not sure what changed or could possibly cause the issue...
If you know that you have all the right permissions to the database directory and file as I mentioned in my first post, then you need to check the permissions on the TEMP folder.
Ensure that IUSR_<COMPNAME> has read/write to c:\windows\temp From reading elsewhere, apparently MS ACCESS uses that directory when being accessed. Now, I'm not 100% sure if it's IIS that needs access to the directory or the actual IUSR_<> that needs it. (some site mentioned IIS others mentioned IUSR) Looks like IUSR fixed my issue so I'll go with latter.
But I do have another prob. C:\windows\temp is a nasty directory (see for yourself). This directory can take up to 30% of your hard drive space.
There is a nifty little utility called windirstat.exe - windirstat1_1_2-exe-unicode (Windows Directory Statistics) - Google it... that you can use to check it out...
Basically what I did was create a batch file that runs on startup. It cleans that directory therefore freeing harddrive space. (Thanks Bill...)
rd c:\windows\TEMP /s /q md C:\windows\TEMP
Questions is: Does anybody know a way for me to "RE-ADD" the correct permissions to IUSR_<COMPNAME> through a .bat file?