I have noticed in the inc_create_forum_mssql.asp file, that there is no query to delete the MS SQL tables before recreating them. Users have to manually delete these tables using Enterprise Manager before setting up the tables again. The link "Create database tables" on the setup.asp page after the database has been setup, does not recreate the tables, but only checks to see if the tables are already there. If it is, it does nothing.
The MySQL setup files does recreate the tables. It uses a DROP TABLE query before creating the tables.
Can I suggest this be included in the next update? It makes it easier to recreate the snitz forum tables when things go all wrong in the database, for whatever reason.
Wasn't there a reason why this isn't there? I seem to remember that there was. Like if the table wasn't there and you execute a drop table query then it would throw an error? Something like that.
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[SnitzUser].[FORUM_MEMBERS]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table [SnitzUser].[FORUM_MEMBERS]