Find the following code in inc_header.asp (approx. line 360): " <input type=""checkbox"" name=""SavePassWord"" value=""true"" tabindex=""-1"" CHECKED><b> Save Password</b></font></td>" & vbNewLine
and replace it with the following code:
" <input type=""hidden"" name=""SavePassWord"" value=""false"">" & vbNewLine
Find the following code in login.asp (approx. line 126): " <input type=""checkbox"" name=""SavePassWord"" tabindex=""4"" value=""true"" checked> Save Password</font></td>" & vbNewLine & _
and replace it with the followin code: " <input type=""hidden"" name=""SavePassWord"" value=""false"">" & vbNewLine & _
That should do it.