I have a bunch of computers that we are trying to figure out how to accomplish something on them. They will be around the US to allow people to take surveys on. The surveys will be web based. Now here are my questions...
1. The computer has to be limited to only access to this one website and maybe even in full screen. 2. After the survey is finished or if someone quits and there is no inactivity on the computer it needs to reset to the start of the survey.
Anyone have what they think would be the best way to deal with this?
My friend runs a coffee shop and he has a couple computers hooked up to a DSL line for the customers to use. He has SiteKiosk installed (http://www.sitekiosk.com/) and it might be a solution for you although I don't know if this would reset to the beginning after a certain period of time. Hope that helps!
there are a lot of Kiosk applications you can purchase to accomplish this. I also found a technical document a long time ago that gave instructions on how to make Internet Explorer your shell upon startup or you can take an easier route and just create an internet shortcut in your startup folder that goes directly into kiosk mode:
However, you will have to do some onkey trapping to prevent things like CTRL-N and CTRL-O which will open new windows and such. It can get quite in depth, but there are "free" ways to getting this accomplished, but if you have money, I would look into IE development kits and/or Kiosk software.