Due to a problem with a user on SUN One ASP 4.0, I needed to change the TopSQL function. I did it not knowing whether my changes are valid for all circunstances, because I really don't know the purpose of a statement in the function, for the MySQL database.
The statement in question is the one in red:
case "mysql"
if instr(strSQL,";") > 0 then
strSQL1 = Mid(strSQL, 1, Instr(strSQL, ";")-1)
strSQL2 = Mid(strSQL, InstrRev(strSQL, ";"))
TopSQL = strSQL1 & " LIMIT " & lngRecords & strSQL2
TopSQL = strSQL & " LIMIT " & lngRecords
end if
Since all the calls made to the function are done either with a ";" at the end or without it, why is the statement there? If it is removed, will there be any problem with that (I needed to remove it to have the function working with Sun One ASP 4.0)?