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885 Posts

Posted - 26 September 2002 :  00:23:59  Show Profile  Send e3stone an AOL message
Just wanted to know who, if anyone, is still working, or thinking about working, on an Oracle version of Snitz. I know the people (Gor) were having trouble with searching CLOB fields. Was mainly wanting to ask the people who were working on it, how much progress they had made. I know it will probably have to be re-done (since I think Gor was using 3.1sr4 as his base forum) now that 3.4 is out. Same basic database structure, but I realize the queries are the difficult part.

I'm actually asking this because I'd like to work with some other people on at least attempting to make a 3.4.xx Oracle version of Snitz. Is there anyone who is still interested in developing an Oracle version? If so, let me know. I'd love to contribute at least 2 or 3 cents in the development <

<-- Eric -->

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Posted - 26 September 2002 :  02:13:38  Show Profile  Visit Reinsnitz's Homepage  Send Reinsnitz an AOL message  Send Reinsnitz an ICQ Message  Send Reinsnitz a Yahoo! Message
My guess is that it'll have to start over from scratch... but the big thing about the way the forum was structured... and is being re-designed/was re-designed to be non-database dependent... realy helps to simplify the process of implimenting for a new DB type...

The big key is someone volunteering to work on this.<

Reinsnitz (Mike)
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4116 Posts

Posted - 26 September 2002 :  02:27:55  Show Profile
Mike, do you mean a abstraction on database calls remedy the code?

Stop the WAR!
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Posted - 26 September 2002 :  02:32:09  Show Profile  Visit Reinsnitz's Homepage  Send Reinsnitz an AOL message  Send Reinsnitz an ICQ Message  Send Reinsnitz a Yahoo! Message
Um... huh?<

Reinsnitz (Mike)
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4116 Posts

Posted - 26 September 2002 :  02:41:14  Show Profile

I mean if we could have the related SQL calls as subs and/or functions, so that they can easily be revised to fit the requirements of a new DBMS... It would also ease support for stored procedures.<

Stop the WAR!
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885 Posts

Posted - 26 September 2002 :  02:53:31  Show Profile  Send e3stone an AOL message
I was actually thinking about that the other day, re: SQL in subs.

I'm actually taking a DB class this term that deals with Oracle, but I'll have to look closer at the 3.4 code since I'm not too familar with it...(my forum is still on 3.1sr4)

I had 8i, but I just downloaded Oracle9i tonight and I'm just about to install it. Was there a certain version of Oracle that we'd want to gear this towards? I'm not sure of the differences between 8i and 9i, though, so I'll have to read up on that. I'm just going to start playing around with 9i. In time, I'm sure we can come up with an Oracle based Snitz.

Did we want to base this on the currently release Snitz code? or would we want to base it on the internationalized v4 forum code? Just curious.<

<-- Eric -->
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4116 Posts

Posted - 26 September 2002 :  03:02:11  Show Profile

Did we want to base this on the currently release Snitz code? or would we want to base it on the internationalized v4 forum code? Just curious.

Such a huge change before v4 is not bearable by myself .<

Stop the WAR!
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885 Posts

Posted - 26 September 2002 :  03:18:41  Show Profile  Send e3stone an AOL message
haha, yeah, I thought you would say that, bozden. I needed to start reading up on v4, anyways.

In regards to the search issue, I might be wrong, but I think 9i comes with Inter Media, which would make it a heck of a lot easier to perform searches.

well, no class tomorrow = stay up late and play around on the computer.

btw, does anyone have any of the code that was previously written for SnitzOracle? Just wanted to look at it.<

<-- Eric -->
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885 Posts

Posted - 26 September 2002 :  05:26:50  Show Profile  Send e3stone an AOL message
Been playing around with 9i tonight and the whole thing on searching a CLOB field seems to be working. I created a table named 'reply_t' (I just use _t in all my dbs for tables) with a field named reply_message which was a CLOB datatype, along with reply_id and reply_title. Then I created a text index on the CLOB field and inserted the following data:
"This is a search reply that has the words Snitz, Oracle, and Help in it"

Then used the following query:

select reply_name from reply_t
where CONTAINS(reply_message,'snitz')>0;

before I created the text index, I tried
instr(reply_message, 'snitz')>0

and that didn't return anything since it takes case into account.

I believe the search feature was one of the main problems that some people were having when converting Snitz to Oracle. 9i seems to solve this by having an IMT option...I can't remember if 8i had it...perhaps someone knows....

if this was one of the main hurdles for Oracle dev., then I'd be willing to move forward (with help from some others) on continuing the Oracle development. I don't know what type of users we'd have with Oracle...I suppose we could just have 9i be a minimum requirement, though.

Let me know what you think.<

<-- Eric -->
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Snitz Forums Admin

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Posted - 26 September 2002 :  12:11:58  Show Profile  Visit Reinsnitz's Homepage  Send Reinsnitz an AOL message  Send Reinsnitz an ICQ Message  Send Reinsnitz a Yahoo! Message
that is an idea... subing SQL statements... but... one problem would be the complexity of the stateements being split and subed... talk about a nightmare :)

I would say 9i for dev... but then there is Oracle pricing... people who have an older version... there is a good chance a good number will not upgrade due to price... then you got hte ones who do upgrade... and then there is the whole compatibility issue forwards and back with oracle... my experience has said they don't care about backwards compatibility as much as anyone else... :)

Tough questions :)

Reinsnitz (Mike)
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885 Posts

Posted - 27 September 2002 :  05:03:10  Show Profile  Send e3stone an AOL message
Currently I'm using SQL+Plus to mess around with my database because I can't seem to access it from my localhost. Does anyone have Oracle setup so they can access the db from an .asp page on their localhost? I've been to several forums and searched the web and can't pin-point what my problem is. I'm creating a DSN and the ODBC admin dialog says that the connection test was successful....but....

I'm guessing that it's a problem with my listener.ora file...or tnsnames.ora....or sqlnet.ora file....narrowed it down eh?

Could some that's been successful connecting to Oracle post or email me these files so I can see what they're suppose to look like?

Seemed straight-forward in the begining, but I've always just used sql+plus when dealing with Oracle...never actually made a page to access the data.


<-- Eric -->
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35 Posts

Posted - 27 September 2002 :  18:59:58  Show Profile  Send Rahanini an AOL message

I have been working on a Oracle version of Snitz 3.4.03 and am using Oracle 8i, cause the company i am working for keeps that as their standard. I have got basic functionality working, but am having some trouble dealing with ADODB errors as I dont know what they mean and i am scouring the internet for solutions everytime i encounter one. But to sum it up these are the things I have done:

- i am not using the CLOB datatype, instead i am keeping everything as varchar2, and number.

- since there is no autonumber in oracle, i have created triggers for all the autonumber variables and have made them primary keys in my database

- a big problem i am dealing with is that the data is coming back from my database as strings all the time. As a result whenever the forum code tries to make a comparison (ie. if a=b then...) i get a datatype mismatch error. SO the way i fixed this was by manually converting all the data to numbers using the vbscript function CLng. so that worked.

- I have been able to populate my database with setup.asp (saving alot of time for me) and am debugging default.asp which is showing up mostly correct. I am now working on forum.asp.

- i am having to go through each sql statement and either change it to the oracle compatible way or figure out another way to do the same thing. So thats a bit of a pain in the ass.

-Now i have new errors however that I am trying to debug. the first is in default.asp with the TOPSQL Statement
Error Type:
ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BB9)
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.
/dgv2test/default.asp, line 816

another error i am getting in register.asp
Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E0C)
Command text was not set for the command object.
/dgv2test/register.asp, line 306

so i am currently trying to figure what these mean. My goal is to have all basic functionality working by next week.

So ya I need alot of help as i keep running into new errors and dont really know what they mean. THe developers of this Discussion Forum are helping though with telling me what different functions do and deciphering the code.

I can post up all my files as I have them now if you guys want to help me with this project. if so let me know.
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885 Posts

Posted - 28 September 2002 :  02:49:34  Show Profile  Send e3stone an AOL message
the only problem with using varchar2 datatype for the messages is that it has a size limit...not sure of the exact number, but it wouldn't work with some of the message lengths that are in this forum. I could be wrong, though. I would think we'd have to use a CLOB datatype for the messages, since we wouldn't know if they'd be 2000 characters or 15000 characters...<

<-- Eric -->
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Junior Member

United Kingdom
453 Posts

Posted - 28 September 2002 :  11:57:03  Show Profile
Replace the TopSQL function in inc_func_common.asp with:

'## Function to limit the amount of records to retrieve from the database
Function TopSQL(strSQL, lngRecords)
	if ucase(left(strSQL,7)) = "SELECT " then
 		select case strDBType 
			case "sqlserver"
				TopSQL = "SET ROWCOUNT " & lngRecords & vbNewLine & strSQL & vbNewLine & "SET ROWCOUNT 0"
			case "access"
				TopSQL = "SELECT TOP " & lngRecords & mid(strSQL,7)
			case "mysql"
				if instr(strSQL,";") > 0 then
					strSQL1 = Mid(strSQL, 1, Instr(strSQL, ";")-1)
					strSQL2 = Mid(strSQL, InstrRev(strSQL, ";"))
					TopSQL = strSQL1 & " LIMIT " & lngRecords & strSQL2
					TopSQL = strSQL & " LIMIT " & lngRecords
				end if
			case "oracle"
				TopSQL = "SELECT * FROM (" & strSQL & ") WHERE ROWNUM <= " & lngRecords
		end select
		TopSQL = strSQL
	end if
End Function
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Snitz Forums Admin

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Posted - 29 September 2002 :  22:45:53  Show Profile  Visit Reinsnitz's Homepage  Send Reinsnitz an AOL message  Send Reinsnitz an ICQ Message  Send Reinsnitz a Yahoo! Message
Just realy document your changes to the code... we can use your work to impliment it in the base code so you dn't have to re-write every time an upgrade comes out :)

Reinsnitz (Mike)
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Junior Member

United Kingdom
453 Posts

Posted - 09 October 2002 :  05:24:09  Show Profile
Originally posted by e3stone

Was there a certain version of Oracle that we'd want to gear this towards? I'm not sure of the differences between 8i and 9i, though, so I'll have to read up on that

I think it would be easier to convert Snitz to use Oracle 9i since ANSI SQL/92 joins are a new feature for 9i and are not included in 8i, otherwise a lot of the SQL statements in Snitz would need modifying to include an Oracle specific version.<
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