I would like to announce that ArrowHead ASP Server, an GPL-ed 100% Java ASP Server runs Snitz Forums 2000. You can download the server and see the installation notes here:
The version 0.0.4 is the first version to support Snitz. To run Snitz Forum 2000 under ArrowHead, follow these instructions: * Install ArrowHead per the installation instructions. * Unpack Snitz 2000 * Create a subdirectory "WEB-INF" under the "snitz" directory. * Download http://www.tripi.com/arrowhead/web.xml-sample and copy it to snitz/WEB-INF/web.xml * If you are running Tomcat as the Java Servlet Server, edit server.xml and add the context for snitz, as described in the ArrowHead installation instructions (follow the instructions for setting up an "asptest" context, but set up a "snitz" context instead). * Set up a Snitz database * Edit snitz/config.asp and set your strDBType accordingly * Add a line to snitz/config.asp with the syntax: strConnString = "driver=<JDBC Driver Class>;url=<JDBC URL>;uid=<Username>;pwd=<Password>;" For example, for my database I used: strConnString = "driver=org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver;url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/forum;uid=forum;pwd=;" * With Tomcat running, go to http://localhost:8180/snitz/setup.asp?RC=5 * Follow the Snitz Forum 2000 installation instructions * Log in and configure Snitz * Run with it