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Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 26 December 2000 : 16:15:44
Need Help! <img src=icon_smile_sad.gif border=0 align=middle> I'm running the newest version of this forum "Version 3.1 Service Release 4" and I want to add.. PM,Active Users, Who's Online "with popup" and something so show total count of members. Also on Active Users I want to show the users names in the forums. I'm not good at ASP, but I'm learning!
Brad Helped me get Active users working but over the weekend my server went down before the backups started so I lost everything including Active users.
I've downloaded the Mods I've found here, but none of them will work. If you have working Mods email them to me if you can.
If anyone can help please let me know I can send you files or whatever you need to help.
Also I'm running on Access 2000 database and I will be switching over to SQL 2000 later.
If you can help please email me at AOL = rick07165 after 6pm
I've seen some of the forums that everyone has done.. You guys Rock!
Thanks Rick
Snitz Forums Admin
16655 Posts |
Junior Member
Vatican City
304 Posts |
Posted - 26 December 2000 : 23:24:01
I guess my question was, do I really need to change that line you mentioned above in all the mod's files or the privatesend_info.asp only? Because I tried both ways(nothing happend) still no info posted in the outbox. and when I tried to change that line in some files I lost the outbox all at once. And Yes I tried to reset my preferences and natha!
Any ideas?! Thanks
ô¿~ |
Snitz Forums Admin
16655 Posts |
Posted - 26 December 2000 : 23:33:29
The version I was referring to was the one that slemieux released with his Integrated Mods release. I extracted all of the Private Messages files out of it and installed them into a v3.1 SR4 forum. Those 2 lines were the only lines that I had to change to get it to work.
Edited by - Richard Kinser on 26 December 2000 23:34:13 |
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 26 December 2000 : 23:55:34
Richard.. I can't get those mods to work... When run the setups I can't get back into the Forums.. I even tried to run setup again.. Then I really get a lot of proplems.. Infact someone posted the list here and I got the same errors. I'm running v3.1 SR4 forum and want to just add those modules. Infact the same setup you have on your demo forum. I want it to look like yours but without the Menu and colors... I just need the forum plain with those mods.
Can you help? or send me just those mods? to install into v3.1 SR4 forum?
Thanks Rick
Snitz Forums Admin
16655 Posts |
Posted - 27 December 2000 : 00:13:10
I am in the process of setting up v3.1 SR4 will all of the mods that are at my beta site. Once that is done, I can zip up the files and give you a link to download it.
I'll probably not add the DHTML side menu anyways.
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 27 December 2000 : 00:17:59
Thanks Richard... I'm going nuts trying to get this to run... You got anything I can start with?
BTW You demo site is awesome... My jaw hit the ground when it opened...
Thanks Rick
Snitz Forums Admin
16655 Posts |
Posted - 27 December 2000 : 01:37:03
<s>I should have it done by the morning sometime. I'm at work so I've gotta do a little work also. </s> <img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>
<font color=red>I should have this done today sometime... It's almost finished.</font id=red>
<font color=red>You can see it here:</font id=red>
Edited by - Richard Kinser on 27 December 2000 15:16:07 |
Starting Member
23 Posts |
Posted - 27 December 2000 : 14:38:12
Richard, your forum is a beauty. My question though, With me trying to stick in all these mods, my fourm has gotten more and more uglier. <img src=icon_smile_dead.gif border=0 align=middle> How would I go about keeping all my posts and users if I wanted to switch to the way your forum is set up? Will I be able to just switch tables between databases, or is the package more geared towards new empty forums?
Snitz Forums Admin
16655 Posts |
Posted - 27 December 2000 : 15:20:55
It's geared more towards a whole package. This is because of some database fields that I have added.
You should be able to import the tables from your database into this one. |
New Member

United Kingdom
70 Posts |
Posted - 27 December 2000 : 17:11:19
Spot on baby.
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 27 December 2000 : 23:39:25
Richard... It Looks Great!
Junior Member
Vatican City
304 Posts |
Posted - 28 December 2000 : 00:35:52
I know you're sick of me by now, but I'm really trying hard here. I did delete the whole mod and then extracted it from Slemmy's integrated mod and did the changes you pointed out earlier and.......NATHA.
ô¿~ |
Snitz Forums Admin
16655 Posts |
Posted - 28 December 2000 : 01:12:46
frankie, try this:
download this file:
extract the 3 files and upload them to your forum directory.
run the <b>droppmtable.asp</b> file first. This will delete the FORUM_PM table so you will lose any Private Messages that you have right now.
Next run <b>mod_dbsetup.asp</b> to readd the FORUM_PM table.
That should fix your problem. |
New Member

65 Posts |
Posted - 28 December 2000 : 06:02:17
for richard if you still awake :) i put up the pm mod with sr4 with some changes at please take a look and correct me. BTW on your new SR4 forum with the active users mod, do you have to modify anything? is it sleux mod or is it yours?
happy holiday:)
ummm what i am doing here ? <img src=icon_smile_tongue.gif border=0 align=middle>
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