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DEV Team Forum Moderator
3373 Posts |
Posted - 11 December 2000 : 21:27:48
There may be some small bugs in my script, but I made a location where it might be somewhat organized as to what mods are where what and why.
Its a list (well... will be a list) of all the addons people have made, I only ask that you add the stuff yourselves, that way you can go back and edit them and stuff.
This way people arent lost looking though pages upon pages of posts in this forum, all of the finished mods/addons with complete downloadable code can be put there for ease of finding.
Let me know of any bugs or comments with the script that adds them etc... just wrote it 5 min ago.
<font color=red>Da_Stimulator</font id=red> <font color=red></font id=red> <font color=blue>response.write("I know what you coded last summer!")</font id=blue> - The community where computer proffesionals meet and talk. |
DEV Team Forum Moderator
3373 Posts |
Posted - 11 December 2000 : 21:28:45
oh yeah, and maybe if any of you guys @ snitz could link to it as an 'unofficial' mod/addon listing? no prob if you wont/cant, would just help :)
<font color=red>Da_Stimulator</font id=red> <font color=red></font id=red> <font color=blue>response.write("I know what you coded last summer!")</font id=blue> - The community where computer proffesionals meet and talk. |
work mule
Senior Member
1358 Posts |
Posted - 11 December 2000 : 22:17:58
I'm surprised there hasn't been anything like this already done before. Thanks for taking the initiative! I think that for people that are new to the Snitz Forum, it's hard to find all the possible addons. It would take hours and hours of searching and reading. Especially for finding the most recent version!!!
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
This way people arent lost looking though pages upon pages of posts in this forum, all of the finished mods/addons with complete downloadable code can be put there for ease of finding.<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote>
It would be great if it could become a standard, or even unofficial standard that if a public mod is built it should be listed/registered somewhere. Maybe if someone has undertaken development of a mod, it could be listed there too. Intent to Mod? <img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle> Possibly include a status of the mod too. I'm sure that there's been cases where two people started doing the same mod without knowing about the other. If one of them had known the other was doing it....well 'nough said.
The other thing I'd recommend for this listing Da_Stimulator has, is maybe putting in a link to the dev topic? I think that people should know some of the history behind a mods development, the scope and or purpose of the mod, and maybe what it entails in adding it to their forum. This can usually be found in the dev topic.
DEV Team Forum Moderator
3373 Posts |
Posted - 12 December 2000 : 10:47:24
thx for the input! I still have some stuff to do on it, but I will definately update it. although no one has added theirs to the list.
Thats exactly why I did that, I found it too hard going through pages upon pages in one thread, just trying to find the right code etc...
<font color=red>Da_Stimulator</font id=red> <font color=red></font id=red> <font color=blue>response.write("I know what you coded last summer!")</font id=blue> - The community where computer proffesionals meet and talk. |
Junior Member
333 Posts |
Posted - 12 December 2000 : 14:02:21
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote> thx for the input! I still have some stuff to do on it, but I will definately update it. although no one has added theirs to the list. Thats exactly why I did that, I found it too hard going through pages upon pages in one thread, just trying to find the right code etc... <hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote>
But, you sould had others informations. Like version number, version of Snitz this Mod will work with, if it use MOD Commander.
Philippe Gamache |
DEV Team Forum Moderator
3373 Posts |
Posted - 12 December 2000 : 14:05:33
Good Ideas... I'll add all this stuff today :) thx guys
<font color=red>Da_Stimulator</font id=red> <font color=red></font id=red> <font color=blue>response.write("I know what you coded last summer!")</font id=blue> - The community where computer proffesionals meet and talk. |
DEV Team Forum Moderator
3373 Posts |
Posted - 12 December 2000 : 14:50:46
Its updated :)
<font color=red>Da_Stimulator</font id=red> <font color=red></font id=red> <font color=blue>response.write("I know what you coded last summer!")</font id=blue> - The community where computer proffesionals meet and talk. |
Junior Member
464 Posts |
Posted - 12 December 2000 : 15:31:43
isn't this like AnimeDJ's and HuwR's mod commanders? why another one?
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Isuru Amarasena <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle> |
DEV Team Forum Moderator
3373 Posts |
Posted - 12 December 2000 : 15:35:19
ummm no.... not that I know of anyway, this just a list of all the mods that exist, not that are installed... if people would add there mods to the list it might actually be useful, but no one seems to be doing so.
<font color=red>Da_Stimulator</font id=red> <font color=red></font id=red> <font color=blue>response.write("I know what you coded last summer!")</font id=blue> - The community where computer proffesionals meet and talk. |
New Member

69 Posts |
Posted - 12 December 2000 : 16:08:14
If there is a repository for the mods it should be on this board as primary and somewhere else in case the board is down, like your site Stimulator. I think though that most of the important mods get built into the next version of Snitz after they are finalized so having a repository is a bit unneccessary. There may be mods that are not included with Snitz, mods that are either still being tested or maybe just quicky add-ons for certain things that not everyone needs or would use, so this would be a good place to put them.
Forum Admin
United Kingdom
20587 Posts |
Posted - 12 December 2000 : 17:05:02
I like the idea, but agree with pk_zone in that it would be better here. But any way, I think there should be somewhere you can just go to download the mod with it's instructions, and maybe a link to the Topic discussing the Mod.
It can be very frustrating for new people to find stuff, although I do think that the search link should be in 2inch high letters sometimes.
In closing, I will try to post my links on Da's site, but it probably won''t be till next week, I have a deadline to meet on friday, so don't have much free time, except to answer probs of course, no coding though. One has to earn ones living occasionally.
<font color=blue>'Resistance is futile'</font id=blue> |
DEV Team Forum Moderator
3373 Posts |
Posted - 12 December 2000 : 17:09:17
thanks Huw :) deadlines are understandable.
<font color=red>Da_Stimulator</font id=red> <font color=red></font id=red> <font color=blue>response.write("I know what you coded last summer!")</font id=blue> - The community where computer proffesionals meet and talk. |
Junior Member
464 Posts |
Posted - 13 December 2000 : 01:05:26
Oh I know what you mean now, Da_Stimulator
Its a pretty good idea but I also agree with HuwR that it should be at snitz rather than somewhere else. Help to keep things together
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Isuru Amarasena <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle> |
Access 2000 Support Moderator
3020 Posts |
Posted - 13 December 2000 : 09:42:02
Isn't this what this page supposed to be for???
Dave Maxwell -------------- When's the next meeting of Snitzaholics Anonymous<img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle> |
DEV Team Forum Moderator
3373 Posts |
Posted - 13 December 2000 : 10:13:06
yeah but its not bein used for it :) well it is, but there are like 3 mods total there, and on mine they can add them freely.
<font color=red>Da_Stimulator</font id=red> <font color=red></font id=red> <font color=blue>response.write("I know what you coded last summer!")</font id=blue> - The community where computer proffesionals meet and talk. |
New Member

65 Posts |
Posted - 13 December 2000 : 11:23:56
When I suggested this a month or two ago, it was pretty much shot down... saying that all good mods would be incorporated into future releases.
This is good, but the releases aren't coming out like they used to :)
I like the idea of having a centralized mod area. The current Snitz location isn't really for mods.
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