I've modified an old script I wrote, hope that helps:
folder = "/"
If Left(server.mappath("."),1) = "/" Then
strslash = "/"
strslash = "\"
End If
servername = Request.Servervariables("server_name")
scriptpath = Request.Servervariables("script_name")
scriptpath = Mid(scriptpath,(Instrrev(scriptpath, "/")),1)
Dim filesobj, fileslist, fname, posnumright
dim f, dflm
Set filesobj = Server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
Set fileslist = filesobj.GetFolder(server.mappath(".") & "/" & folder)
For each thing In fileslist.files
posnumright = instrrev(thing, strslash)
fname = right(thing,(len(thing)-posnumright))
Set f = filesobj.GetFile(thing)
fdlm = f.datelastmodified
If f.size > 1023 Then
fsize = CStr(CInt(f.size / 1024)) & "k"
fsize = CStr(f.size) & " bytes"
End If
image = Instr(".gif,.jpg", Right(fname,4)) > 0
physicalpath = server.mappath(".")
if image then %>
<a href="http://<%=servername & scriptpath & "upload/" & Server.HTMLEncode(fname) %>" title="<% =Server.HTMLEncode(fname) %>" target="_blank">
<img src="http://<%=servername & scriptpath & "upload/" & Server.HTMLEncode(fname) %>" title="<% =Server.HTMLEncode(fname) %>" border="0"></a><br><br>
<% end if
Set f = Nothing
Set fileslist = Nothing
Set filesobj = Nothing
Note that there's some stuff you might not need, the script gets the file size and last upadte info, and you have to correct the path and the link to your full images if you want to show thumbnails.
Feel free to ask if you need more help.
Installation Guide | Do's and Dont's | MODs
Edited by - OneWayMule on 28 March 2002 22:35:12