i heavily edited my topic.asp (so i can't give u that) but here's a link to my post_info.asp: http://user.7host.com/rdogg2k1/post_info.txt
download it and save it as post_info.asp
topic.asp. here are the additions:
around lines 113-117:
strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_POSTS, " & _
strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_COUNTRY, " & _
strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.T_POSTS, " &_
strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.T_DATE, " & _
strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.T_SUBJECT, " & _
around lines 219-223:
strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_POSTS, " & _
strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_COUNTRY, " & _
strActivePrefix & "REPLY.R_POSTS, " &_
strActivePrefix & "REPLY.REPLY_ID, " & _
strActivePrefix & "REPLY.FORUM_ID, " & _
then, look for (in my topic.asp, around lines 381-384)
<% if strShowRank = 2 or strShowRank = 3 then %>
<br><% = getStar_Level(rsReplies("M_LEVEL"), rsReplies("M_POSTS")) %>
<% end if %>
right underneath that (or underneath your avatar code), type in:
<br><font color="<% =strForumFontColor %>" face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strFooterFontSize %>">Post # <%=rsReplies("R_POSTS") %> of <% =rsReplies("M_POSTS") %></font>
then, in the subroutine GetFirst() (around line 558+ in my topic.asp):
look for similar code (change rsReplies to rsTopic) to the red code in this post above and underneath that (or under your avatar code), type this:
<br><font color="<% =strForumFontColor %>" face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strFooterFontSize %>">Post # <%=rsTopic("T_POSTS") %> of <% =rsTopic("M_POSTS") %></font>
that's all the changes needed.
again, post_info.asp is located here: http://user.7host.com/rdogg2k1/post_info.txt
i hope this helps you.
Edited by - RDoGG™ on 29 August 2001 10:25:21