Starting Member
30 Posts |
Posted - 16 July 2001 : 11:47:25
By changing provider I made the domain where's the forum located (nwp2000.de) the main domain and now all the small problems belonging to the forum disappeard. So long so good. But now I have some new problems with my other subdomains assigned to this directory
For example the original URL: http://www.tollernet.de/buecher.html changes to http://www.tollernet.de/tollernet/buecher.html in the browser address bar. My new provider has no ideas how to change this. But I think it's the asp-file he uses for the domainforwarding. It simply replaces the main domain's name with the subdomain's name. I could arrange with this optical thing but I must have this in mind on every hyperlink I make. I think there must be a way that th logical directory <drive:\\tollernet\buecher.html> becomes the http://tollernet.de/buecher.html
Has anybody an idea? ********************************** Here's the asp-script:
<% Option Explicit Dim useFrames, httpHost, zielURL, domList(), domZiel() Dim aktHost, aktZiel, i ReDim domList(8) ReDim domZiel(8) useFrames = false domList(0) = "nwp2000.de" '(main-Domain) domList(1) = "www.nwp2000.de" '(Alias-Domain 1) domList(2) = "tollernet.de" domList(3) = "www.tollernet.de" domList(4) = "interspace-networks.de" domList(5) = "www.interspace-networks.de" domList(6) = "abi1976sgt.de" domList(7) = "www.abi1976sgt.de" domList(8) = "DK15.s4.domainkunden.de"
domZiel(0) = "Forum/login.asp" domZiel(1) = "Forum/login.asp" domZiel(2) = "tollernet/default.asp" domZiel(3) = "tollernet/default.asp" domZiel(4) = "interspace-networks.de/" domZiel(5) = "interspace-networks.de/" domZiel(6) = "abi1976sgt.de/" domZiel(7) = "abi1976sgt.de/" domZiel(8) = "Forum/login.asp"
httpHost = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") zielURL = "" For i = 0 to 8 aktHost = domList(i) aktZiel = domZiel(i) if lCase(httpHost) = lCase(aktHost) then zielURL = aktZiel end if Next if zielURL = "" then %> <h1>Domain not found</h1> <h3>Die Domain <%= httpHost %> wurde nicht gefunden oder es liegt ein Konfigurationsfehler vor. <% else if useFrames = true then %> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title><%= httpHost %></title> </head> <frameset rows="0,*" border="0" frameborder="0" framespacing="0"> <frame src="leer" scrolling="no"> <frame src="<%= zielURL %>"> </frameset> </html> <% else response.redirect zielURL end if end if %>