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 ASPEMAIL Authentication

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bwibwi Posted - 23 March 2012 : 12:20:48
My web hosting company requires authentication. Where can I set it up in email server configuration?

Thank you

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bwibwi Posted - 25 March 2012 : 19:07:47
:D Thank you.

Working now
HuwR Posted - 25 March 2012 : 03:53:58
from the ASPEmail manual
bwibwi Posted - 25 March 2012 : 01:24:22
I've checked in inc_mail.asp like you mentioned. But there is only authentication setup for CDO and Jmail.

AnonJr Posted - 23 March 2012 : 16:31:03
In inc_mail.asp, scroll down to the section for the component you are using. There should be two lines commented out relating to authentication - uncomment the lines and enter in the relevant information and you should be good to go. There are a few threads around here with specifics for specific components if you run into any major issues.
Maxime Posted - 23 March 2012 : 12:43:00
I see no place to put a password if it requires authentication?
this is the first time I see it in a hosting company. Jez have no problems here on my server.

Should ask to see their authentificcation why that is useless.

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