Leatherlips, I have the function for DailyMotion, plus some others available here, starting at line 2008 :
There are two functions you need:
- the function FixUrls(fString)
- the function ReplaceMediaTags(fString)
Also, need a small change in the FormatStr function at the beginning:
fString = ReplaceCodeTags(fString)
'replace old tags with new video tag:
fString = replace(fString,"[gvid]","[video]")
fString = replace(fString,"[/gvid]","[/video]")
fString = replace(fString,"[dm]","[video]")
fString = replace(fString,"[/dm]","[/video]")
fString = replace(fString,"[tube]","[video]")
fString = replace(fString,"[/tube]","[/video]")
'now interpret the new media tags
fString = ReplaceMediaTags(fString)
And, one addition at the end of the FormastStr function
fString = FixUrls(fString)
FormatStr = fString
on Error goto 0
end function
One line added to the ChkUrls function:
(UCase(Right(strArray(Counter-1), 7)) <> "[VIDEO]") and _
Oh, and a new js file: http://oxle.com/video.js
It's not polished, but it's all there.
How to post a video? -> use the [video][/video] tags, and inbetween them simply but the embedding code found at YouTube, DailyMotion, GoogleVideo or MySpace (=untested!).