You will need to edit inc_mail.asp look for the AspEmail section and add the required port/user/password etc, follow the example here
[quote]You will need to edit inc_mail.asp look for the AspEmail section and add the required port/user/password etc, follow the example here [/quote=Originally posted by HuwR]
I edited the code like this and added the user name, password nd port but it did not work. Where am I making the mistake? ----------- case "aspemail" Set objNewMail = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender") objNewMail.FromName = strFromName objNewMail.From = strSender objNewMail.AddReplyTo strSender objNewMail.Host = strMailServer objNewMail.AddAddress strRecipients, strRecipientsName objNewMail.Subject = strSubject objNewMail.Body = strMessage on error resume next '## Ignore Errors Mail.Username = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" Mail.Password = "xxxxxxxxxxx" Mail.TLS = True Mail.Port = 993 objNewMail.Send If Err <> 0 Then Err_Msg = Err_Msg & "<li>Your request was not sent due to the following error: " & Err.Description & "</li>" End if ----------------------