Is there a simple to follow guide that explains how to set up a Cron job using SSH on a Linux server to back up a MySQL database on a daily basis and email me to confirm if successful or not?
I've found several which seem to be very long winded and often over my head
basically you can connect via ssh and backup your database from the command line using something like the following, it should backup your database to your local machine, just change the necessary values
you then need to add a cron job, probably for the root user so run <b>crontab -e -u root </b>and add a line like below and save it. It will run at 6am every day
change the cron string 0 6 * * * to suit your needs as below
•Crontab Format: MIN HOUR DOM MON DOW CMD •Format Meanings and Allowed Value: •MIN Minute field 0 to 59 •HOUR Hour field 0 to 23 •DOM Day of Month 1-31 •MON Month field 1-12 •DOW Day Of Week 0-6 •CMD Command Any command to be executed.