Well if you have a forum with over 10,000 members you will notice that it takes ages to load the "edit forum" page. Usually you (the admin) loads this page to edit a forum, you will do that when you add moderators or edit the description of a sub-forum.
What takes ages to load is actually the "allowed members" list, which is a rather stupid function for larger commercial forumsanyways, with many thousands of users noone wanna keep such lists anyways, the administrative overhead would be too large.
In the end it took like 30 seconds to load the page due to the ridiculous long list of members available. So i kinda "sacrificed" the list, but made it so if you encounter the rare condition that you need it you can add "&memberlist=1" to the url to get it back.
So here is my fix:
1. Edit "post.asp"
2. Find the following:
"if Request.QueryString("method") <> "" then"
(approx. line 50)
3. ABOVE insert the following:
if Request.QueryString("memberlist") <> "" then
strMemberlist = 1
end if
4. Find the following:
'## Allowed User - listbox Code
(approx line 1400)
5. Below this line search for:
strSql = strSql & " WHERE M_STATUS = " & 1
6. REPLACE with the following:
'kyodai edit allowed member list
if strMemberlist = 1 then
strSql = strSql & " WHERE M_STATUS = " & 1
response.write "<br>NOTE: Add &memberlist=1 to url if you wanna use this! <br>"
strSql = strSql & " WHERE M_STATUS = " & 4
end if
'end kyodai allowed member list
That's it.