I wanted something different from the Gatekeeper 2 question system, so I made this. The Topic Anti-Spam Questions MOD is designed for administrators who want more variety in CAPTCHA-type questions for posting. 20 sample sentences are provided, change any/all. The mod uses random numbers to select the sentence to use and another random number to determine which word the poster must match. Images are used for the word number to help forestall bots.
There's a simple admin form where you change the sentences. SnitzBitz
Very tough. Although i have had problems with spambots in my forums before i introduced the "anti bot question" in my registration i would not encourage this mod. It will for sure keep out spammers but as that occurs for EVERY post it is extremely annoying for "legit" users as well and discourages everyone from posting. I would be very careful with things that affect EVERY post, it usually leads to very high annoyment. I would not recommend doing that unelss it is "your last line of defence". It will drastically lower user satisfaction, at least those that are very active.
That's simple, Kyodai. In "post_info.asp", change the Gatekeeper routine to say this (change the number in red to minimum posts needed to disable the Gatekeeper requirement):
' ## Gatekeeper Mod
strSql="SELECT M_POSTS FROM " & strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS WHERE MEMBER_ID=" & MemberID
set rsPosts=my_Conn.Execute(strSql)
if not rsPosts.EOF then
end if
set rsPosts = Nothing
if strLinkSpamGatekeeper = "1" and intPosts < 10 and mLev < 2 then
select case len(Request.Form("GateKeeperAnswer"))
case "0"
Go_Result "You have not entered an answer for the Antispam question. Please use your back button and try again.", 0
case else
if lcase(Request.Form("GateKeeperAnswer")) <> lcase(Request.Form("GKA")) then
Go_Result "You have entered a wrong answer for the Antispam question. Please use your back button and try again.", 0
end if
end select
end if
' ## Gatekeeper Mod