Sorry, not sure if you mean just replace the changed files for 3.4.06 to 3.4.07 or you mean ALL the files for 3.4.07.
I have various mods installed so don't want to replace ALL 3.4.05 files with ALL the files for 3.4.07 if I can help it as it then means re-installing all the mods I have. If I know what files were changed from 3.4.05 to 3.4.07 then I can just replace the files that were actually updated and save myself a lot of work.
I've just finally got round to upgrading to 3.4.07, and found that the icon_zap.gif file is still not in either the full or upgrade download zip files.
Got the files by following the download link at the top of this thread.
I know it seems like a long time frame, but there really haven't been that many bugs found in the core code. Most of the issues of late have been trying to get older MODs to work with the current version when the original MOD author has moved on to other projects.