This is a little MOD that has been extremely well received on my board. What it does is show * Today * instead of the date if the date is today. Members find that it makes it far easier to locate what has changed on the board.
A new function (chkdateT) is added to inc_func_common.asp as follows:
function chkDateT(fDate,separator,fTime)
if left(fDate,8) = left(DateToStr(strForumTimeAdjust),8) then
chkDateT = "<B>* Today *</B>"
if fTime then
chkDateT = chkDateT & separator & chkTime(fDate)
end if
chkDateT = chkDate(fDate,separator,fTime)
end if
end function
Then anywhere you wish to use it just change 'chkdate' to 'chkdateT'
You may see it in action here.<