Hallo everybody! I need to use Snitz authentication process for other pages on the same domain. I want to make ASP pages that can get if a user is logged in, his username, his ID. I've found a cookie that contains the username:
Request.Cookies(strUniqueID & "User")("name")
I can get member's ID with it, but if I logout the cookie still contain the previous value.
So, I don't know how to get the correct logged user data. Can you help me?
Thanks HuwR! I've red the thread you linked me, but it deals with login in any page. I need something slightly different: after a user logged in, how can I get his username and his ID? I need also his email address...
you can get their username and id from the cookie, the email address you will have to fetch from the database.
The link should explain what you need to do, as you need to include some forum files in your standard pages if you want to ascertain if the user is logged in or not