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Advanced Member

4207 Posts

Posted - 08 November 2011 :  13:19:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
In the fUserAgent(ua) function, need to change the lines for Windows 7 since MS gave Windows Server 2008 identical version numbers. This will fix that and add the code for Windows 8.

	ElseIf instr(ua, "Windows 8") or instr(ua, "NT 6.2") Then
		strSystem = "Windows 8"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "NT 6.1") Then
		strSystem = "Windows 7 or Windows 2008"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Windows 2008") Then
		strSystem = "Windows 2008"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Windows 7") Then
		strSystem = "Windows 7"

Also, to add browser detection for Comodo Dragon, add these to that portion of the code:

	ElseIf instr(ua, "Comodo_Dragon") Then
		strBrowser = "Comodo"

Edited by - Carefree on 08 November 2011 13:49:17

Junior Member

United States
450 Posts

Posted - 08 November 2011 :  17:27:38  Show Profile  Visit golfmann's Homepage

Edited by - golfmann on 08 November 2011 17:27:54
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Junior Member

105 Posts

Posted - 09 November 2011 :  16:07:31  Show Profile
Thanks Professor Carefree
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Advanced Member

4207 Posts

Posted - 09 November 2012 :  08:15:06  Show Profile
OK - Here's a couple of changes for IE 9/10 & Firefox. I'll get Windows 2012 Server soon.

Here's the IE group:

	ElseIf instr(ua, "MSIE 10") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 10"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "MSIE 9") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 9"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "MSIE 8") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 8"
	ElseIf (instr(ua, "MSIE 7") or mid(ua,26,6)="MSIE 7") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 7"
		if right(ua, 12) = "MS-RTC LM 8)" then
			strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 8"
		end if
	ElseIf instr(ua, "MSIE 6") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 6"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "MSIE 5") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 5"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "MSIE 4") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 4"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "MSIE 3") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 3"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "MSIE 2") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 2"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "MSIE 1")	Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 1"

For Firefox, a tiny change (it was truncating the sub-version):

	ElseIf (instr(ua, "Firefox") AND instr(ua, "Gecko")) or (mid(ua,len(ua)-13,7)="FireFox") Then
		strBrowser = "Mozilla Firefox "
		for x = 1 to len(ua)-8
			if mid(ua,x,8)="Firefox/" then
				strBrowser = "Firefox " & mid(ua,x+8)
			end if

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Junior Member

163 Posts

Posted - 11 November 2012 :  00:42:04  Show Profile  Send Giumer an ICQ Message
hi mate plz me file :

function fUserAgent(ua)
   Dim UAgent
   UAgent = ua
   ' more info in:  
   if instr(UAgent, "Opera") then		  
      aBrowser = split(UAgent, " ")	 
      strBrowser = replace(aBrowser(0), "/", " ")	   
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Netscape") then	     
      strBrowser = replace(mid( UAgent, inStr(UAgent, "Netscape")), "/", " " )	
    ElseIf instr(ua, "MSIE 9") Then
      strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 9"    
   elseif instr(UAgent, "MSIE") then	      
      strBrowser = replace(mid( UAgent, inStr(UAgent, "MSIE"), 8), "MSIE", "Microsoft " )	    
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Flock") then		
      strBrowser = replace(mid(UAgent, instr(UAgent, "Flock")), "/", " ")	  
   elseif instr(UAgent, "SeaMonkey") then		
      strBrowser = replace(mid(UAgent, instr(UAgent, "SeaMonkey")), "/", " ")	 
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Firefox") then		
      strBrowser = replace(mid(UAgent, instr(UAgent, "Firefox")), "/", " ")	 
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Mozilla") and instr(UAgent, "compatible") = 0 then    
      if instr(UAgent, "Netscape8") then      
         strBrowser = "Netscape 8.x"    
      elseif instr(UAgent, "Netscape7") then     
         strBrowser = "Netscape 7.x"   
      elseif instr(UAgent, "Netscape6") then     
         strBrowser = "Netscape 6.x"   
      ElseIf instr(strUserAgent, "Mozilla/5") Then
         strBrowser = "Netscape 5"
      elseif instr(UAgent, "Mozilla/4") then     
         strBrowser = "Netscape Navigator 4.x"   
      elseif instr(UAgent, "Mozilla/3") then      
         strBrowser = "Netscape Navigator 3.x"   
      elseif instr(UAgent, "Netscape") then     
         strBrowser = "Netscape"    
         if instr(UAgent, "Mozilla/5") then      
            strBrowser = Mid(UAgent, instr(UAgent, "rv:")+3)        
            strBrowser = Mid(strBrowser, 1, instr(strBrowser, ")"))       
            strBrowser = Mid(strBrowser, 1, Len(strBrowser)-1)       
            strBrowser = "Mozilla " & strBrowser      
            strBrowser = "Mozilla"    
         end if   
      end if 
   elseif instr(UAgent, "W3C_Validator") then  	    
      strBrowser = "W3C Validator"  
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Googlebot") then	
      strBrowser = "Googlebot"  
      strBrowser = "<em title=""Browser: " & UAgent & """>" & fLang("strLangInc_Active_Users00170") & "</em>"  
   end if 



Edited by - Giumer on 11 November 2012 02:28:46
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Advanced Member

4207 Posts

Posted - 11 November 2012 :  01:36:59  Show Profile
Entire function:

function fUserAgent(ua)
ua = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
	If instr(ua, "aardvark") Then
		strBrowser = "Aardvark Bot"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Abacho") Then
		strBrowser = "Abacho Bot"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "About") Then
		strBrowser = "About Bot"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Accelatech") Then
		strBrowser = "Accelatech Bot"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "accoon") or instr(ua, "Accoon") Then
		strBrowser = "Accona Bot"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "AESOP") Then
		strBrowser = "Aesop Bot"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "aipbot") Then
		strBrowser = "AIP Bot"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Aladin") Then
		strBrowser = "Aladin"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "ia_archiver") Then
		strBrowser = "Alexa"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Alkaline") Then
		strBrowser = "Alkaline Bot"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "crawler@fast") or instr(ua, "FAST-WebCrawler") Then
		strBrowser = "AllTheWeb"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Mercator") or instr(ua, "Scooter") Then
		strBrowser = "Altavista"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Amaya") Then
		strBrowser = "Amaya"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Amfibi") or instr(ua, "amibot") Then
		strBrowser = "AmFib Bot"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Amniga") Then
		strBrowser = "Amiga"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "amzn") Then
		strBrowser = "Amazon Bot"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "AnnoMille") Then
		strBrowser = "Anno Mille Bot"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Chase") Then
		strBrowser = "Answer Chase"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Anzwers") Then
		strBrowser = "Anzwers Bot"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "AOL 3") Then
		strBrowser = "AOL 3"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "AOL 4") Then
		strBrowser = "AOL 4"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "AOL 5") Then
		strBrowser = "AOL 5"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "AOL 6") Then
		strBrowser = "AOL 6"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "AOL 7") Then
		strBrowser = "AOL 7"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "AOL 8") Then
		strBrowser = "AOL 8"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "AOL 9")  Then
		strBrowser = "AOL 9"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "AOL") Then
		strBrowser = "AOL"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Apexoo") Then
		strBrowser = "Apexoo Bot"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Aport") Then
		strBrowser = "Aport Bot"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "appie") Then
		strBrowser = "Appie Bot"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Araby") Then
		strBrowser = "Araby Bot"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Arach") Then
		strBrowser = "Arach No Idea"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "aranhabot") Then
		strBrowser = "Aranha Bot"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "archive") Then
		strBrowser = "Archive Org"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Argus") Then
		strBrowser = "Argus"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "") Then
		strBrowser = "Arianna/Libero"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Arikus") Then
		strBrowser = "Arikus Bot"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Arquivo") Then
		strBrowser = "Arquivo Crawler"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "ASAHA") Then
		strBrowser = "Asaha TU"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Ask.24") or instr(ua, "AskAbout") Then
		strBrowser = "Ask About"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "asked/Nutch") Then
		strBrowser = "Asked Bot"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Jeeves") Then
		strBrowser = "Ask Jeeves"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "ASPSeek") Then
		strBrowser = "ASP Seek"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Camino") or instr(ua, "Chimera") Then
		strBrowser = "Camino"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Chrome") Then
		If instr(ua,"RockMelt") Then 
			strBrowser = "RockMelt"
			for i = 1 to len(ua)
				if mid(ua,i,9)="RockMelt/" Then
					Do while not mid(ua,j,1)=" "
				End If
			strBrowser=strBrowser&" "&strVersion
			strBrowser = "Chrome"
		End If
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Crawler") Then
		strBrowser = "Crawler DE"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Dillo") Then
		strBrowser = "Dillo"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Robozilla") Then
		strBrowser = "DMOZ"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "DocZilla") Then
		strBrowser = "DocZilla"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "NPBot") Then
		strBrowser = "Domain Researcher Bot"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Dreamcast") Then
		strBrowser = "Dreamcast"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Speedy+Spider") Then
		strBrowser = "EntireWeb"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Epiphany") Then
		strBrowser = "Epiphany"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "EudoraWeb") Then
		strBrowser = "Eudora Web"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "MuscatFerret") Then
		strBrowser = "EuroFerret"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "exactseek") Then
		strBrowser = "ExactSeek"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Architext") Then
		strBrowser = "Excite"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Fireball") Then
		strBrowser = "Fireball DE"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Flock") Then
		strBrowser = "Flock"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Galeon") Then
		strBrowser = "Galeon"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Gigabot") Then
		strBrowser = "Gigabot"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Moget") Then
		strBrowser = "Goo JP"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Googlebot") Then
		strBrowser = "Googlebot"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Mediapartners") Then
		strBrowser = "Google Adsense"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Google CHTML") Then
		strBrowser = "Google Proxy Server"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Sun")  AND instr(ua, "Mozilla/3") Then
		strBrowser = "HotJava"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "iCab") Then
		strBrowser = "iCab"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "ICE") Then
		strBrowser = "ICE"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Infoseek") or instr(ua, "Ultraseek") Then
		strBrowser = "Infoseek"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "slurp") or instr(ua, "Slurp") Then
		strBrowser = "Inktomi"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "internetseer") or instr(ua, "Internetseer") Then
		strBrowser = "InternetSeer"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Jetbot") Then
		strBrowser = "Jetbot"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Konqueror") Then
		strBrowser = "Konqueror"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Mantra") or instr(ua, "ZyBorg") Then
		strBrowser = "Look Smart"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Lycos") Then
		strBrowser = "Lycos"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Lynx") Then
		strBrowser = "Lynx"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "MSIE 10") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 10"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "MSIE 9") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 9"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "MSIE 8") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 8"
	ElseIf (instr(ua, "MSIE 7") or mid(ua,26,6)="MSIE 7") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 7"
		if right(ua, 12) = "MS-RTC LM 8)" then
			strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 8"
		end if
	ElseIf instr(ua, "MSIE 6") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 6"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "MSIE 5") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 5"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "MSIE 4") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 4"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "MSIE 3") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 3"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "MSIE 2") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 2"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "MSIE 1")	Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 1"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Gecko")  AND instr(ua, "Netscape")  AND instr(ua, "rv:0") Then
		strBrowser = "Mozilla"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Gecko")  AND instr(ua, "Netscape")  AND instr(ua, "rv:1") Then
		strBrowser = "Mozilla 1"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Gecko")  AND instr(ua, "Netscape")  AND instr(ua, "rv:2") Then
		strBrowser = "Mozilla 2"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Firebird") AND instr(ua, "Gecko") Then
		strBrowser = "Mozilla Firebird"
	ElseIf (instr(ua, "Firefox") AND instr(ua, "Gecko")) or (mid(ua,len(ua)-13,7)="FireFox") Then
		strBrowser = "Mozilla Firefox "
		for x = 1 to len(ua)-8
			if mid(ua,x,8)="Firefox/" then
				strBrowser = "Firefox " & mid(ua,x+8)
			end if
	ElseIf instr(ua, "msnbot") Then
		strBrowser = "MSN"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "My agent") Then
		strBrowser = "My Agent"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "NameProtect") Then
		strBrowser = "NameProtect"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "NetCaptor") Then
		strBrowser = "Net Captor"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Mozilla/1") Then
		strBrowser = "Netscape 1"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Mozilla/2") Then
		strBrowser = "Netscape 2"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Mozilla/3") Then
		strBrowser = "Netscape 3"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Mozilla/4") Then
		strBrowser = "Netscape 4"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Mozilla/5") Then
		strBrowser = "Netscape 5"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Netscape/6") Then
		strBrowser = "Netscape 6"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Netscape/7") Then
		strBrowser = "Netscape 7"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Netscape/8") Then
		strBrowser = "Netscape 8"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Gulliver") Then
		strBrowser = "Northernlight"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Opera") Then
		strBrowser = "Opera"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Opera 1")	Then
		strBrowser = "Opera 1"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Opera 2") Then
		strBrowser = "Opera 2"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Opera 3") Then
		strBrowser = "Opera 3"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Opera 4") Then
		strBrowser = "Opera 4"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Opera 5")	Then
		strBrowser = "Opera 5"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Opera 6") Then
		strBrowser = "Opera 6"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Opera 7") Then
		strBrowser = "Opera 7"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Opera 8") Then
		strBrowser = "Opera 8"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "PhpDig") Then
		strBrowser = "PhpDig"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "MSPIE 1") Then
		strBrowser = "Pocket IE 1"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "MSPIE 2") Then
		strBrowser = "Pocket IE 2"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Microsoft URL Control") Then
		strBrowser = "Possible EMail Collector"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "StackRambler") Then
		strBrowser = "Rambler"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Robozilla") Then
		strBrowser = "Robozilla"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Safari") Then
		strBrowser = "Safari"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "SeaMonkey") Then
		strBrowser = "Sea Monkey"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Fluffy") Then
		strBrowser = "Search Hippo"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Teoma") Then
		strBrowser = "Teoma"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "T-H-U-N-D-E3-R-S-T-O-N-E") Then
		strBrowser = "Thunderstone"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "TurnitinBot") Then
		strBrowser = "Turnitin"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "UbiCrawler") Then
		strBrowser = "UbiCrawler"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Voilabot") Then
		strBrowser = "Voila FR"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "W3C_Validator") Then
		strBrowser = "W3C Validator"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "WebCrawler") Then
		strBrowser = "WebCrawler"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "wombat") Then
		strBrowser = "Web Wombat"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Zyborg") Then
		strBrowser = "Wisenut"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Yahoo") Then
		strBrowser = "Yahoo"
		strBrowser = "Unknown"
	End If
	GetBrowser = strBrowser

	If instr(ua, "Amiga") Then
		strSystem = "Amiga"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "AOLTV") or instr(ua, "AOL_TV")  Then
		strSystem = "AOL TV"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "BSD")  or instr(ua, "FreeBSD") Then
		strSystem = "Free BSD"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Linux") Then
		strSystem = "Linux"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "68000") or instr(ua, "68k") AND instr(ua, "Mac") Then
		strSystem = "Mac 68k"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Mac OS X") Then
		strSystem = "Mac OS X"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Mac_PowerPC") or instr(ua, "PPC") Then
		strSystem = "Mac PowerPC"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Mac")  or (instr(ua, "Apple") and not instr(ua, "AppleWebKit")) Then
		strSystem = "MacLngosh"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Nokia") Then
		strSystem = "Nokia"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "OS/2")  Then
		strSystem = "OS/2"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "PalmOS") Then
		strSystem = "Palm OS"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Elaine") Then
		strSystem = "PalmPilot"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Solaris") Then
		strSystem = "Solaris"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "SunOS") Then
		strSystem = "Sun OS"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Unix") or instr(ua, "X11") Then
		strSystem = "Unix"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "WebTV") Then
		strSystem = "Web TV"
 	ElseIf instr(ua, "NT 6.2") or instr(ua, "Windows 8") then
		strSystem = "Windows 8"
 	ElseIf instr(ua, "NT 6.1") or instr(ua, "Windows 7") then
		strSystem = "Windows 7"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "NT 6.0") or instr(ua, "Windows Vista") then
		strSystem = "Windows Vista"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "NT 5.2") or instr(ua, "Windows 2003") Then
		strSystem = "Windows 2003"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "NT 5.1") or instr(ua, "Windows XP") Then
		strSystem = "Windows XP"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "NT 5.0") or instr(ua, "Windows 2000") Then
		strSystem = "Windows 2000"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "NT 4.0") or instr(ua, "Windows NT") or instr(ua, "WinNT") Then
		strSystem = "Windows  NT 4"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Windows 3.1") or instr(ua, "Win16") Then
		strSystem = "Windows 3.x"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Windows 95") or instr(ua, "Win95") Then
		strSystem = "Windows 95"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Windows 98") or instr(ua, "Win98") Then
		strSystem = "Windows 98"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Windows CE") Then
		strSystem = "Windows CE"
	ElseIf instr(ua, "Windows ME") or instr(ua, "Win 9x 4.90") Then
		strSystem = "Windows ME"
		strSystem = "Unknown"
	End If
	GetOS = strSystem
	fUserAgent = GetOS & "<br/>" & GetBrowser
End Function

Edited by - Carefree on 11 November 2012 02:05:38
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Junior Member

163 Posts

Posted - 11 November 2012 :  02:04:25  Show Profile  Send Giumer an ICQ Message
sorry but I do not understand how to enter the code! I have to change my file that also part of the language. quiesto and part of my code

function fUserAgent(ua)
   Dim UAgent
   UAgent = ua
   ' more info in:  
   if instr(UAgent, "Opera") then		  
      aBrowser = split(UAgent, " ")	 
      strBrowser = replace(aBrowser(0), "/", " ")	   
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Netscape") then	     
      strBrowser = replace(mid( UAgent, inStr(UAgent, "Netscape")), "/", " " )	
    ElseIf instr(ua, "MSIE 9") Then
      strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 9"    
   elseif instr(UAgent, "MSIE") then	      
      strBrowser = replace(mid( UAgent, inStr(UAgent, "MSIE"), 8), "MSIE", "Microsoft " )	    
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Flock") then		
      strBrowser = replace(mid(UAgent, instr(UAgent, "Flock")), "/", " ")	  
   elseif instr(UAgent, "SeaMonkey") then		
      strBrowser = replace(mid(UAgent, instr(UAgent, "SeaMonkey")), "/", " ")	 
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Firefox") then		
      strBrowser = replace(mid(UAgent, instr(UAgent, "Firefox")), "/", " ")	 
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Mozilla") and instr(UAgent, "compatible") = 0 then    
      if instr(UAgent, "Netscape8") then      
         strBrowser = "Netscape 8.x"    
      elseif instr(UAgent, "Netscape7") then     
         strBrowser = "Netscape 7.x"   
      elseif instr(UAgent, "Netscape6") then     
         strBrowser = "Netscape 6.x"   
      ElseIf instr(strUserAgent, "Mozilla/5") Then
         strBrowser = "Netscape 5"
      elseif instr(UAgent, "Mozilla/4") then     
         strBrowser = "Netscape Navigator 4.x"   
      elseif instr(UAgent, "Mozilla/3") then      
         strBrowser = "Netscape Navigator 3.x"   
      elseif instr(UAgent, "Netscape") then     
         strBrowser = "Netscape"    
         if instr(UAgent, "Mozilla/5") then      
            strBrowser = Mid(UAgent, instr(UAgent, "rv:")+3)        
            strBrowser = Mid(strBrowser, 1, instr(strBrowser, ")"))       
            strBrowser = Mid(strBrowser, 1, Len(strBrowser)-1)       
            strBrowser = "Mozilla " & strBrowser      
            strBrowser = "Mozilla"    
         end if   
      end if 
   elseif instr(UAgent, "W3C_Validator") then  	    
      strBrowser = "W3C Validator"  
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Googlebot") then	
      strBrowser = "Googlebot"  
      strBrowser = "<em title=""Browser: " & UAgent & """>" & fLang("strLangInc_Active_Users00170") & "</em>"  
   end if  
   if instr(UAgent, "Ezooms") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "ia_archiver") then strBrowser = "Alexa.Com"
   if instr(UAgent, "Googlebot") then strBrowser = "Google"
   if instr(UAgent, "My agent") then strBrowser = "My agent"
   if instr(UAgent, "TeomaAgent") then strBrowser = "Teoma.Com"
   if instr(UAgent, "Zyborg") then strBrowser = "Wisenut.Com"
   if instr(UAgent, "Gulliver") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Architext") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "FAST-WebCrawler") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Slurp") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Jeeves") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Scooter") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Mercator") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "crawler@fast") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Crawler") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "InfoSeek") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Lycos") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Fluffy") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Baiduspider") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Bingbot") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "crawler") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Ultraseek") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "MantraAgent") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Moget") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "T-H-U-N-D-E-R-S-T-O-N-E") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "MuscatFerret") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "VoilaBot") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Sleek Spider") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "KIT_Fireball") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "WebCrawler") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "wombat") then strBrowser = "Web Wombat"
   if instr(UAgent, "Mediapartners-Google") then strBrowser = "Google AdSense"
   if instr(UAgent, "Yahoo! Slurp") then strBrowser = "Yahoo"
   if instr(UAgent, "NPBot") then strBrowser = "Domain Research Bot"
   if instr(UAgent, "MSNBOT/0.1") then strBrowser = "MSN Search"
   if instr(UAgent, "YahooFeedSeeker/") then strBrowser = "Yahoo Feed Seeker"
   if instr(UAgent, "msnbot/0.1") then strBrowser = "MSN Search"
   if instr(UAgent, "Speedy Spider") then strBrowser = "Entire Web"
   if instr(UAgent, "ArchitextSpider") then strBrowser = "Excite"
   if instr(UAgent, "ArchitectSpider") then strBrowser = "Excite"
   if instr(UAgent, "Ask Jeeves/Teoma") then strBrowser = "Teoma"
   if instr(UAgent, "msnbot/") then strBrowser = "MSN"
   if instr(UAgent, "Lycos_Spider_(T-Rex)") then strBrowser = "Lycos"
   if instr(UAgent, "Google CHTML Proxy/1.0") then strBrowser = "Google Proxy Server"
   if instr(UAgent, "Microsoft URL Control") then strBrowser = "Possible Email Collector!!"
   if instr(UAgent, "") then strBrowser = "Internet Seer"
   if instr(UAgent, "Gigabot/") then strBrowser = "Gigabot"
   if instr(UAgent, "Jetbot/1") then strBrowser = "Jetbot"
   if instr(UAgent, "exactseek-pagereaper-") then strBrowser = "Exactseek"
   if instr(UAgent, "YandexBot") then strBrowser = "Yandex"
   if instr(UAgent, "Windows 95") or instr(UAgent, "Win95") then    
      strSystem = "Windows 95"  
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Win 9x 4.90") then    
      strSystem = "Windows ME"
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Windows 98") or instr(UAgent, "Win98") then   
      strSystem = "Windows 98"  
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Windows 3.1") or instr(UAgent, "Win16") then    
      strSystem = "Windows 3.x/Windows NT 3.x"   
   elseif instr(UAgent, "NT 5.0") or instr(UAgent, "Windows 2000") then    
      strSystem = "Windows 2000" 
   elseif instr(UAgent, "NT 5.1") or instr(UAgent, "Windows XP") then    
      strSystem = "Windows XP" 
   elseif instr(UAgent, "NT 6.0") or instr(UAgent, "Windows Vista") then   
      strSystem = "Windows Vista"
   ElseIf instr(UAgent, "NT 6.1") or instr(UAgent, "Windows 7") then
    	strSystem = "Windows 7" 
   ElseIf instr(UAgent, "Netscape 7") or instr(UAgent, "Mozilla 5.0") then
    	strSystem = "Mozilla 5.0" 
   elseif instr(UAgent, "NT") then    
      strSystem = "Windows NT"  
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Mac") then    
      strSystem = "Mac"    
      if instr(UAgent, "PowerPC") or instr(UAgent, "PPC") then      
         strSystem = "Mac PPC"    
      elseif instr(UAgent, "68000") or instr(UAgent, "68K") then      
         strSystem = "Mac 68K"    
      end if  
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Linux") then    
      strSystem = "Linux"  
   elseif instr(UAgent, "X11") then    
      strSystem = "UNIX"  
   elseif instr(UAgent, "W3C_Validator") then  	    
      strBrowser = "W3C Validator"  
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Googlebot") then  	
      strSystem = "Googlebot"  
      strSystem = fLang("strLangInc_Active_Users00170")
   end if
   if strSystem =fLang("strLangInc_Active_Users00170") then strSystem = "Search Engine"
      fUserAgent = strSystem & "<br />" & strBrowser 
end function



Edited by - Giumer on 11 November 2012 02:29:19
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Advanced Member

4207 Posts

Posted - 11 November 2012 :  02:18:44  Show Profile
Originally posted by Giumer

sorry but I do not understand how to enter the code! I have to change my file that also part of the language. quiesto and part of my code

No problem, here's your code:

function fUserAgent(ua)
   Dim UAgent
   UAgent = ua
   ' more info in:  
   if instr(UAgent, "Opera") then		  
      aBrowser = split(UAgent, " ")	 
      strBrowser = replace(aBrowser(0), "/", " ")	   
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Netscape") then	     
      strBrowser = replace(mid( UAgent, inStr(UAgent, "Netscape")), "/", " " )	
	ElseIf instr(UAgent, "Chrome") Then
		If instr(UAgent,"RockMelt") Then 
			strBrowser = "RockMelt"
			for i = 1 to len(UAgent)
				if mid(UAgent,i,9)="RockMelt/" Then
					Do while not mid(UAgent,j,1)=" "
				End If
			strBrowser=strBrowser&" "&strVersion
			strBrowser = "Chrome"
		End If
    ElseIf instr(UAgent, "MSIE 10") Then
      strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 10"    
    ElseIf instr(UAgent, "MSIE 9") Then
      strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 9"    
   elseif instr(UAgent, "MSIE") then	      
      strBrowser = replace(mid( UAgent, inStr(UAgent, "MSIE"), 8), "MSIE", "Microsoft " )	    
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Flock") then		
      strBrowser = replace(mid(UAgent, instr(UAgent, "Flock")), "/", " ")	  
   elseif instr(UAgent, "SeaMonkey") then		
      strBrowser = replace(mid(UAgent, instr(UAgent, "SeaMonkey")), "/", " ")	 
	ElseIf (instr(UAgent, "Firefox") AND instr(UAgent, "Gecko")) or (mid(UAgent,len(UAgent)-13,7)="FireFox") Then
		strBrowser = "Mozilla Firefox "
		for x = 1 to len(UAgent)-8
			if mid(UAgent,x,8)="Firefox/" then
				strBrowser = "Firefox " & mid(UAgent,x+8)
			end if
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Mozilla") and instr(UAgent, "compatible") = 0 then    
      if instr(UAgent, "Netscape8") then      
         strBrowser = "Netscape 8.x"    
      elseif instr(UAgent, "Netscape7") then     
         strBrowser = "Netscape 7.x"   
      elseif instr(UAgent, "Netscape6") then     
         strBrowser = "Netscape 6.x"   
      ElseIf instr(strUserAgent, "Mozilla/5") Then
         strBrowser = "Netscape 5"
      elseif instr(UAgent, "Mozilla/4") then     
         strBrowser = "Netscape Navigator 4.x"   
      elseif instr(UAgent, "Mozilla/3") then      
         strBrowser = "Netscape Navigator 3.x"   
      elseif instr(UAgent, "Netscape") then     
         strBrowser = "Netscape"    
         if instr(UAgent, "Mozilla/5") then      
            strBrowser = Mid(UAgent, instr(UAgent, "rv:")+3)        
            strBrowser = Mid(strBrowser, 1, instr(strBrowser, ")"))       
            strBrowser = Mid(strBrowser, 1, Len(strBrowser)-1)       
            strBrowser = "Mozilla " & strBrowser      
            strBrowser = "Mozilla"    
         end if   
      end if 
   elseif instr(UAgent, "W3C_Validator") then  	    
      strBrowser = "W3C Validator"  
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Googlebot") then	
      strBrowser = "Googlebot"  
      strBrowser = "<em title=""Browser: " & UAgent & """>" & fLang("strLangInc_Active_Users00170") & "</em>"  
   end if  
   if instr(UAgent, "Ezooms") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "ia_archiver") then strBrowser = "Alexa.Com"
   if instr(UAgent, "Googlebot") then strBrowser = "Google"
   if instr(UAgent, "My agent") then strBrowser = "My agent"
   if instr(UAgent, "TeomaAgent") then strBrowser = "Teoma.Com"
   if instr(UAgent, "Zyborg") then strBrowser = "Wisenut.Com"
   if instr(UAgent, "Gulliver") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Architext") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "FAST-WebCrawler") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Slurp") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Jeeves") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Scooter") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Mercator") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "crawler@fast") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Crawler") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "InfoSeek") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Lycos") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Fluffy") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Baiduspider") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Bingbot") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "crawler") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Ultraseek") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "MantraAgent") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Moget") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "T-H-U-N-D-E-R-S-T-O-N-E") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "MuscatFerret") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "VoilaBot") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "Sleek Spider") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "KIT_Fireball") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "WebCrawler") then strBrowser = ""
   if instr(UAgent, "wombat") then strBrowser = "Web Wombat"
   if instr(UAgent, "Mediapartners-Google") then strBrowser = "Google AdSense"
   if instr(UAgent, "Yahoo! Slurp") then strBrowser = "Yahoo"
   if instr(UAgent, "NPBot") then strBrowser = "Domain Research Bot"
   if instr(UAgent, "MSNBOT/0.1") then strBrowser = "MSN Search"
   if instr(UAgent, "YahooFeedSeeker/") then strBrowser = "Yahoo Feed Seeker"
   if instr(UAgent, "msnbot/0.1") then strBrowser = "MSN Search"
   if instr(UAgent, "Speedy Spider") then strBrowser = "Entire Web"
   if instr(UAgent, "ArchitextSpider") then strBrowser = "Excite"
   if instr(UAgent, "ArchitectSpider") then strBrowser = "Excite"
   if instr(UAgent, "Ask Jeeves/Teoma") then strBrowser = "Teoma"
   if instr(UAgent, "msnbot/") then strBrowser = "MSN"
   if instr(UAgent, "Lycos_Spider_(T-Rex)") then strBrowser = "Lycos"
   if instr(UAgent, "Google CHTML Proxy/1.0") then strBrowser = "Google Proxy Server"
   if instr(UAgent, "Microsoft URL Control") then strBrowser = "Possible Email Collector!!"
   if instr(UAgent, "") then strBrowser = "Internet Seer"
   if instr(UAgent, "Gigabot/") then strBrowser = "Gigabot"
   if instr(UAgent, "Jetbot/1") then strBrowser = "Jetbot"
   if instr(UAgent, "exactseek-pagereaper-") then strBrowser = "Exactseek"
   if instr(UAgent, "YandexBot") then strBrowser = "Yandex"
   if instr(UAgent, "Windows 95") or instr(UAgent, "Win95") then    
      strSystem = "Windows 95"  
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Win 9x 4.90") then    
      strSystem = "Windows ME"
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Windows 98") or instr(UAgent, "Win98") then   
      strSystem = "Windows 98"  
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Windows 3.1") or instr(UAgent, "Win16") then    
      strSystem = "Windows 3.x/Windows NT 3.x"   
   elseif instr(UAgent, "NT 5.0") or instr(UAgent, "Windows 2000") then    
      strSystem = "Windows 2000" 
   elseif instr(UAgent, "NT 5.1") or instr(UAgent, "Windows XP") then    
      strSystem = "Windows XP" 
   elseif instr(UAgent, "NT 6.0") or instr(UAgent, "Windows Vista") then   
      strSystem = "Windows Vista"
   ElseIf instr(UAgent, "NT 6.1") or instr(UAgent, "Windows 7") then
    	strSystem = "Windows 7" 
   ElseIf instr(UAgent, "Netscape 7") or instr(UAgent, "Mozilla 5.0") then
    	strSystem = "Mozilla 5.0" 
   elseif instr(UAgent, "NT") then    
      strSystem = "Windows NT"  
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Mac") then    
      strSystem = "Mac"    
      if instr(UAgent, "PowerPC") or instr(UAgent, "PPC") then      
         strSystem = "Mac PPC"    
      elseif instr(UAgent, "68000") or instr(UAgent, "68K") then      
         strSystem = "Mac 68K"    
      end if  
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Linux") then    
      strSystem = "Linux"  
   elseif instr(UAgent, "X11") then    
      strSystem = "UNIX"  
   elseif instr(UAgent, "W3C_Validator") then  	    
      strBrowser = "W3C Validator"  
   elseif instr(UAgent, "Googlebot") then  	
      strSystem = "Googlebot"  
      strSystem = fLang("strLangInc_Active_Users00170")
   end if
   if strSystem =fLang("strLangInc_Active_Users00170") then strSystem = "Search Engine"
      fUserAgent = strSystem & "<br />" & strBrowser 
end function
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Junior Member

163 Posts

Posted - 11 November 2012 :  02:26:46  Show Profile  Send Giumer an ICQ Message
sorry mate log and messanger . send me file


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Junior Member

163 Posts

Posted - 11 November 2012 :  02:58:44  Show Profile  Send Giumer an ICQ Message
ok thx !!!!!!!!!


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Junior Member

United States
450 Posts

Posted - 31 July 2015 :  01:46:27  Show Profile  Visit golfmann's Homepage
I could use help in getting it to recognize Windows 10 now...

I tried a few things but.... lol

Any ideas and how does one find the user agent for 10 "Professional"?

Edited by - golfmann on 31 July 2015 01:47:02
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Advanced Member

4207 Posts

Posted - 31 July 2015 :  04:37:50  Show Profile
I thought I'd posted that already, but maybe not. I added it to the modular code.

	ElseIf inStr(ua, "NT 6.4") Or inStr(ua, "NT 10.0") Then
		strSystem = "Windows 10"

Oddly enough, connecting with the Edge browser reports MSIE 7.0

This was a user's error. He used the IE from W10, which does report MSIE 7 - no idea why the insiders' version of 10 would have an antique version of IE.... Correction has been made below. Notice I placed Edge ABOVE Chrome. The reason is that the user agent string includes Chrome, Gecko, and Safari; all BEFORE they get to saying Edge. So Edge has to come earlier in the code.

Here's the function:

Function fUserAgent(ua)
	ua = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
	If InStr(ua, "aardvark") Then
		strBrowser = "Aardvark Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Abacho") Then
		strBrowser = "Abacho Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "About") Then
		strBrowser = "About Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Accelatech") Then
		strBrowser = "Accelatech Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "accoon") Or InStr(ua, "Accoon") Then
		strBrowser = "Accona Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "AESOP") Then
		strBrowser = "Aesop Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "agbot") Then
		strBrowser = "AgHaven Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "aipbot") Then
		strBrowser = "AIP Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Aladin") Then
		strBrowser = "Aladin"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Aleksika") Then
		strBrowser = "Aleksika Spider"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "ia_archiver") Then
		strBrowser = "Alexa"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Alkaline") Then
		strBrowser = "Alkaline Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "crawler@fast") Or InStr(ua, "FAST-WebCrawler") Then
		strBrowser = "AllTheWeb"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Mercator") Or InStr(ua, "Scooter") Then
		strBrowser = "Altavista"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Amaya") Or InStr(ua, "amaya") Then
		strBrowser = "Amaya Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Amfibi") Or InStr(ua, "amibot") Then
		strBrowser = "AmFib Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Amniga") Then
		strBrowser = "Amiga"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "amzn") Then
		strBrowser = "Amazon Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Anemone") Then
		strBrowser = "Anemone Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "AnnoMille") Then
		strBrowser = "Anno Mille Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Chase") Then
		strBrowser = "Answer Chase"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Anzwers") Then
		strBrowser = "Anzwers Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "AOL 3") Then
		strBrowser = "AOL 3"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "AOL 4") Then
		strBrowser = "AOL 4"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "AOL 5") Then
		strBrowser = "AOL 5"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "AOL 6") Then
		strBrowser = "AOL 6"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "AOL 7") Then
		strBrowser = "AOL 7"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "AOL 8") Then
		strBrowser = "AOL 8"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "AOL 9")  Then
		strBrowser = "AOL 9"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "AOL") Then
		strBrowser = "AOL"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Apexoo") Then
		strBrowser = "Apexoo Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Aport") Then
		strBrowser = "Aport Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "appie") Then
		strBrowser = "Appie Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Araby") Then
		strBrowser = "Araby Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Arach") Then
		strBrowser = "Arach No Idea"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "aranhabot") Then
		strBrowser = "Aranha Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "archive") Then
		strBrowser = "Archive Org"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Argus") Then
		strBrowser = "Argus"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "") Then
		strBrowser = "Arianna/Libero"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Arikus") Then
		strBrowser = "Arikus Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Arquivo") Then
		strBrowser = "Arquivo Crawler"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "ASAHA") Then
		strBrowser = "Asaha TU"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Ask.24") Or InStr(ua, "AskAbout") Then
		strBrowser = "Ask About"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "asked/Nutch") Then
		strBrowser = "Asked Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Jeeves") Then
		strBrowser = "Ask Jeeves"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "ASPSeek") Then
		strBrowser = "ASP Seek"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Baidu") Then
		strBrowser = "Baidu Spider"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Bookdog") Or InStr(ua, "BookMacster") Then
		strBrowser = "Bookdog Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "BotTracer") Then
		strBrowser = "Bot Tracer"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Cabot") Then
		strBrowser = "Cabot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Camino") Or InStr(ua, "Chimera") Then
		strBrowser = "Camino"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "CatchBot") Then
		strBrowser = "Catch Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Edge") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft Edge"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Chrome") Then
		If InStr(ua,"RockMelt") Then
			strBrowser = "RockMelt"
			For i = 1 to len(ua)
				If mid(ua,i,9)="RockMelt/" Then
					Do while not mid(ua,j,1)=" "
				End If
			strBrowser=strBrowser&" "&strVersion
			strBrowser = "Chrome"
		End If
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Clushbot") Then
		strBrowser = "Clush Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Convera") Then
		strBrowser = "Convera Crawler"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "CorenSearch") Then
		strBrowser = "Coren Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Crawler") Then
		strBrowser = "Crawler DE"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Dillo") Then
		strBrowser = "Dillo"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Robozilla") Then
		strBrowser = "DMOZ"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "DocZilla") Then
		strBrowser = "DocZilla"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "NPBot") Then
		strBrowser = "Domain Researcher Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Dreamcast") Then
		strBrowser = "Dreamcast"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Speedy+Spider") Then
		strBrowser = "EntireWeb"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Epiphany") Then
		strBrowser = "Epiphany"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "EudoraWeb") Then
		strBrowser = "Eudora Web"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "MuscatFerret") Then
		strBrowser = "EuroFerret"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "exactseek") Then
		strBrowser = "ExactSeek"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Architext") Then
		strBrowser = "Excite"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Fireball") Then
		strBrowser = "Fireball DE"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Flock") Then
		strBrowser = "Flock"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Galeon") Then
		strBrowser = "Galeon"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Gigabot") Then
		strBrowser = "Gigabot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Moget") Then
		strBrowser = "Goo JP"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Googlebot") Or InStr(ua, "googlebot") Or InStr(ua, "AppEngine-Google") Or (InStr(ua, "google") and InStr(ua, "bot")) Then
		strBrowser = "Google Bot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Mediapartners") Then
		strBrowser = "Google Adsense"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Google CHTML") Then
		strBrowser = "Google Proxy Server"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Sun")  AND InStr(ua, "Mozilla/3") Then
		strBrowser = "HotJava"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "iCab") Then
		strBrowser = "iCab"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "ICE") Then
		strBrowser = "ICE"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Infoseek") Or InStr(ua, "Ultraseek") Then
		strBrowser = "Infoseek"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "slurp") Or InStr(ua, "Slurp") Then
		strBrowser = "Inktomi"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "internetseer") Or InStr(ua, "Internetseer") Then
		strBrowser = "InternetSeer"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Jetbot") Then
		strBrowser = "Jetbot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Akregator") Then
		strBrowser = "KDE RSS Reader"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Konqueror") Then
		strBrowser = "Konqueror"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Mantra") Or InStr(ua, "ZyBorg") Then
		strBrowser = "Look Smart"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Lycos") Then
		strBrowser = "Lycos"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Lynx") Then
		strBrowser = "Lynx"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "MSIE 11") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 11"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "MSIE 10") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 10"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "MSIE 9") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 9"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "MSIE 8") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 8"
	ElseIf (InStr(ua, "MSIE 7") Or mid(ua,26,6)="MSIE 7") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 7"
		If right(ua, 12) = "MS-RTC LM 8)" Then
			strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 8"
		End If
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "MSIE 6") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 6"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "MSIE 5") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 5"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "MSIE 4") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 4"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "MSIE 3") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 3"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "MSIE 2") Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 2"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "MSIE 1")	Then
		strBrowser = "Microsoft IE 1"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Gecko")  AND InStr(ua, "Netscape")  AND InStr(ua, "rv:0") Then
		strBrowser = "Mozilla"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Gecko")  AND InStr(ua, "Netscape")  AND InStr(ua, "rv:1") Then
		strBrowser = "Mozilla 1"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Gecko")  AND InStr(ua, "Netscape")  AND InStr(ua, "rv:2") Then
		strBrowser = "Mozilla 2"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Firebird") AND InStr(ua, "Gecko") Then
		strBrowser = "Mozilla Firebird"
	ElseIf (InStr(ua, "Firefox") AND InStr(ua, "Gecko")) Or (mid(ua,len(ua)-13,7)="FireFox") Then
		strBrowser = "Mozilla Firefox "
		For x = 1 to len(ua)-8
			If mid(ua,x,8)="Firefox/" Then
				strBrowser = "Firefox " & mid(ua,x+8)
			End If
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "msnbot") Then
		strBrowser = "MSN"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "My agent") Then
		strBrowser = "My Agent"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "NameProtect") Then
		strBrowser = "NameProtect"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "NetCaptor") Then
		strBrowser = "Net Captor"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Mozilla/1") Then
		strBrowser = "Netscape 1"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Mozilla/2") Then
		strBrowser = "Netscape 2"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Mozilla/3") Then
		strBrowser = "Netscape 3"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Mozilla/4") Then
		strBrowser = "Netscape 4"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Mozilla/5") Then
		strBrowser = "Netscape 5"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Netscape/6") Then
		strBrowser = "Netscape 6"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Netscape/7") Then
		strBrowser = "Netscape 7"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Netscape/8") Then
		strBrowser = "Netscape 8"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Gulliver") Then
		strBrowser = "Northernlight"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Opera") Then
		strBrowser = "Opera"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Opera 1")	Then
		strBrowser = "Opera 1"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Opera 2") Then
		strBrowser = "Opera 2"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Opera 3") Then
		strBrowser = "Opera 3"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Opera 4") Then
		strBrowser = "Opera 4"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Opera 5")	Then
		strBrowser = "Opera 5"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Opera 6") Then
		strBrowser = "Opera 6"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Opera 7") Then
		strBrowser = "Opera 7"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Opera 8") Then
		strBrowser = "Opera 8"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "PhpDig") Then
		strBrowser = "PhpDig"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "MSPIE 1") Then
		strBrowser = "Pocket IE 1"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "MSPIE 2") Then
		strBrowser = "Pocket IE 2"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Microsoft URL Control") Then
		strBrowser = "Possible EMail Collector"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "StackRambler") Then
		strBrowser = "Rambler"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Robozilla") Then
		strBrowser = "Robozilla"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Safari") Then
		strBrowser = "Safari"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "SeaMonkey") Then
		strBrowser = "Sea Monkey"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Fluffy") Then
		strBrowser = "Search Hippo"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Teoma") Then
		strBrowser = "Teoma"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "T-H-U-N-D-E-R-S-T-O-N-E") Then
		strBrowser = "Thunderstone"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "TurnitinBot") Then
		strBrowser = "Turnitin"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "UbiCrawler") Then
		strBrowser = "UbiCrawler"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Voilabot") Then
		strBrowser = "Voila FR"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "W3C_Validator") Then
		strBrowser = "W3C Validator"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "WebCrawler") Then
		strBrowser = "WebCrawler"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "wombat") Then
		strBrowser = "Web Wombat"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Zyborg") Then
		strBrowser = "Wisenut"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Yahoo") Then
		strBrowser = "Yahoo"
		strBrowser = "Unknown"
	End If
	GetBrowser = strBrowser
	If InStr(ua, "Amiga") Then
		strSystem = "Amiga"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "AOLTV") Or InStr(ua, "AOL_TV")  Then
		strSystem = "AOL TV"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "BSD")  Or InStr(ua, "FreeBSD") Then
		strSystem = "Free BSD"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Linux") Then
		strSystem = "Linux"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "68000") Or InStr(ua, "68k") AND InStr(ua, "Mac") Then
		strSystem = "Mac 68k"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Mac OS X") Then
		strSystem = "Mac OS X"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Mac_PowerPC") Or InStr(ua, "PPC") Then
		strSystem = "Mac PowerPC"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Mac")  Or (InStr(ua, "Apple") and not InStr(ua, "AppleWebKit")) Then
		strSystem = "MacLngosh"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Nokia") Then
		strSystem = "Nokia"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "OS/2")  Then
		strSystem = "OS/2"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "PalmOS") Then
		strSystem = "Palm OS"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Elaine") Then
		strSystem = "PalmPilot"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Solaris") Then
		strSystem = "Solaris"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "SunOS") Then
		strSystem = "Sun OS"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Unix") Or InStr(ua, "X11") Then
		strSystem = "Unix"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "WebTV") Then
		strSystem = "Web TV"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "NT 6.4") Or InStr(ua, "NT 10.0") Then
		strSystem = "Windows 10"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "NT 6.3") Then
		strSystem = "Windows 8.1"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "NT 6.2")  Or InStr(ua, "Windows 8") Then
		strSystem = "Windows 8 Or Server 2012"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "NT 6.1") Or InStr(ua, "Windows 7") Then
		strSystem = "Windows 7"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "NT 6.0") Or InStr(ua, "Windows Vista") Then
		strSystem = "Windows Vista"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "NT 5.2") Or InStr(ua, "Windows 2003") Then
		strSystem = "Windows 2003"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "NT 5.1") Or InStr(ua, "Windows XP") Then
		strSystem = "Windows XP"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "NT 5.0") Or InStr(ua, "Windows 2000") Then
		strSystem = "Windows 2000"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "NT 4.0") Or InStr(ua, "Windows NT") Or InStr(ua, "WinNT") Then
		strSystem = "Windows  NT 4"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Windows 3.1") Or InStr(ua, "Win16") Then
		strSystem = "Windows 3.x"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Windows 95") Or InStr(ua, "Win95") Then
		strSystem = "Windows 95"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Windows 98") Or InStr(ua, "Win98") Then
		strSystem = "Windows 98"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Windows CE") Then
		strSystem = "Windows CE"
	ElseIf InStr(ua, "Windows ME") Or InStr(ua, "Win 9x 4.90") Then
		strSystem = "Windows ME"
		strSystem = "Unknown"
	End If
	GetOS = strSystem
	fUserAgent = GetOS & "<br/>" & GetBrowser
End Function

Edited by - Carefree on 31 July 2015 07:07:58
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Junior Member

United States
450 Posts

Posted - 31 July 2015 :  11:11:07  Show Profile  Visit golfmann's Homepage
Thank you kind sir...
If you did add this in somewhere else I didn't see it (re: the link in bitz)

Hope all is well
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Junior Member

United States
450 Posts

Posted - 31 July 2015 :  11:42:19  Show Profile  Visit golfmann's Homepage
sorry to report mine returns Windows 8.1 with that. Which is what it really is...
(less that secret femme fatal secret tracking agent... CORTANA...) lol
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Advanced Member

4207 Posts

Posted - 01 August 2015 :  09:36:36  Show Profile
Well, if it's really 8.1; what's the problem with it saying so?
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Junior Member

United States
450 Posts

Posted - 01 August 2015 :  16:50:40  Show Profile  Visit golfmann's Homepage
It's 10.... Professional as I mentioned above.

I was being facetious

"NT 6.4" evidently isn't correct for 10 and it returns 8.1 on our forum.

Thanks anyway... I'll work around it sooner or later.

Edited by - golfmann on 01 August 2015 16:53:53
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