ok, ribkick, you asked for it...
in admin_avatar_settings.asp change: (Lines 127 - 143)
<font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strDefaultFontSize %>">
<select name="AvatarHSize" size=1>
<option value=32<% if rs("A_HSIZE") = "32" then Response.Write(" selected") %>>32</option>
<option value=48<% if rs("A_HSIZE") = "48" then Response.Write(" selected") %>>48</option>
<option value=64<% if rs("A_HSIZE") = "64" then Response.Write(" selected") %>>64</option>
<td><font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strDefaultFontSize %>"><b>X</b></td>
<font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strDefaultFontSize %>">
<select name="AvatarWSize" size=1>
<option value=32<% if rs("A_WSIZE") = "32" then Response.Write(" selected") %>>32</option>
<option value=48<% if rs("A_WSIZE") = "48" then Response.Write(" selected") %>>48</option>
<option value=64<% if rs("A_WSIZE") = "64" then Response.Write(" selected") %>>64</option>
to this:
<font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strDefaultFontSize %>">
<select name="AvatarHSize" size=1>
<option value=0<% if rs("A_HSIZE") = "0" then Response.Write(" selected") %>>None</option>
<option value=32<% if rs("A_HSIZE") = "32" then Response.Write(" selected") %>>32</option>
<option value=48<% if rs("A_HSIZE") = "48" then Response.Write(" selected") %>>48</option>
<option value=64<% if rs("A_HSIZE") = "64" then Response.Write(" selected") %>>64</option>
<td><font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strDefaultFontSize %>"><b>X</b></td>
<font face="<% =strDefaultFontFace %>" size="<% =strDefaultFontSize %>">
<select name="AvatarWSize" size=1>
<option value=0<% if rs("A_WSIZE") = "0" then Response.Write(" selected") %>>None</option>
<option value=32<% if rs("A_WSIZE") = "32" then Response.Write(" selected") %>>32</option>
<option value=48<% if rs("A_WSIZE") = "48" then Response.Write(" selected") %>>48</option>
<option value=64<% if rs("A_WSIZE") = "64" then Response.Write(" selected") %>>64</option>
in admin_review_avatar.asp change: (Line #113)
<td bgcolor="<% =CColor %>" valign="center" align="center" nowrap><img src="<% =rs("A_URL") %>" height=<% =rsav("A_HSIZE") %> width=<% =rsav("A_WSIZE") %> border=<% =rsav("A_BORDER") %> hspace=0 alt="<% =rs("A_NAME") %>"></td>
<td bgcolor="<% =CColor %>" valign="center" align="center" nowrap><img src="<% =rs("A_URL") %>" <% if rsav("A_HSIZE") <> 0 then %>height="<% =rsav("A_HSIZE") %>"<% end if %> <% if rsav("A_WSIZE") <> 0 then %>width="<% =rsav("A_WSIZE") %>"<% end if %> border="<% =rsav("A_BORDER") %>" hspace=0 alt="<% =rs("A_NAME") %>"></td>
in inc_avatar.asp change: (Line #110)
<td width="65%" valign="top" align="left"><img name="URL" src="<% if IsNull(rs("M_AVATAR_URL")) or rs("M_AVATAR_URL") = "" or rs("M_AVATAR_URL") = " " or Request.QueryString("mode") = "Register" then %>noavatar.gif<% else %><% =rs("M_AVATAR_URL")%><% end if %>" border=<% =rsavx("A_BORDER") %> width=<% =rsavx("A_WSIZE") %> height=<% =rsavx("A_HSIZE") %>></td>
<td width="65%" valign="top" align="left"><img name="URL" src="<% if IsNull(rs("M_AVATAR_URL")) or rs("M_AVATAR_URL") = "" or rs("M_AVATAR_URL") = " " or Request.QueryString("mode") = "Register" then %>noavatar.gif<% else %><% =rs("M_AVATAR_URL")%><% end if %>" border="<% =rsavx("A_BORDER") %>" <% if rsavx("A_WSIZE") <> 0 then %>width="<% =rsavx("A_WSIZE") %>"<% end if %> <% if rsavx("A_HSIZE") <> 0 then %>height="<% =rsavx("A_HSIZE") %>"<% end if %>></td>
in topic.asp change the line that looks like this:
<img src="<% =rsReplies("M_AVATAR_URL") %>" align="absmiddle" width=<% =rsav("A_WSIZE") %> height=<% =rsav("A_HSIZE") %> border=<% =rsav("A_BORDER") %> hspace="0" ><% set rsav = nothing %><% end if %>
to this:
<img src="<% =rsReplies("M_AVATAR_URL") %>" align="absmiddle" <% if rsav("A_WSIZE") <> 0 then %>width="<% =rsav("A_WSIZE") %>"<% end if %> <% if rsav("A_HSIZE") <> 0 then %>height="<% =rsav("A_HSIZE") %>"<% end if %> border="<% =rsav("A_BORDER") %>" hspace="0" ><% set rsav = nothing %><% end if %>
in topic.asp change the line that looks like this:
<img src="<% =rsTopic("M_AVATAR_URL") %>" align="absmiddle" width=<% =rsav("A_WSIZE") %> height=<% =rsav("A_HSIZE") %> border=<% =rsav("A_BORDER") %> hspace="0" ><% set rsav = nothing %><% end if %>
to this:
<img src="<% =rsTopic("M_AVATAR_URL") %>" align="absmiddle" <% if rsav("A_WSIZE") <> 0 then %>width="<% =rsav("A_WSIZE") %>"<% end if %> <% if rsav("A_HSIZE") <> 0 then %>height="<% =rsav("A_HSIZE") %>"<% end if %> border="<% =rsav("A_BORDER") %>" hspace="0" ><% set rsav = nothing %><% end if %>