Probably someone clicked the Delete button without any pm selected for deletion.
Thanks. You are right. I was able to duplicate the error by clicking the delete button on pm_view.asp without selecting any messages. The form is then submitted to pm_delete.asp where the error occurs
Now how to fix it.
If Request("Delete") is blank so then why isn't it caught by the if statement at the bottom of pm_delete.asp
Dim strDeleteList
strDeleteList = ChkString(Request("Delete"),"SQLString")
if strDeleteList = "" then
'No messages to delete
It should never get to the else statement which is causing the error
'Now, use the SQL set notation to delete all of the records
'specified by strDeleteList
strSql = "DELETE FROM " & strTablePrefix & "PM " & _
"WHERE M_ID IN (" & strDeleteList & ")"
my_Conn.Execute (strSql)