I am the administrator/moderator on a small forum (approaching 2,000) and I do the approve/disapproval on each new registration. About 95% are from spammers. I check each one using Stop Forum Spam and that has worked well.
However, I noticed that I have only had one application come up a "yes" in the approval column. One out of say five hundred. I also notice that a number of very common domain names do not show up or show up very very rarely. Hotmail, Verizon, Comcast, Yahoo and so on.
Would that be becasue of a setting that needs adjustment? And by the way I know nothing about writing computer code.
Our site is not using the latest verizon. We are using 3.6 I think.
That is likely because spamming is such a serious issue. No settings determine allowed domains, unless you are using 3.4.07 or you have added mods to do that.