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Starting Member
14 Posts |
Average Member
654 Posts |
Posted - 18 September 2000 : 12:35:23
i'm not expecting a manual <img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle> but is there any way you could post what it imports, and what it doesn't? maybe what version of snitz you're using. i'm a little paranoid to just run something without knowing anything about it. sorry for my paranoia.
v ø d k â f ï § h |
Starting Member
14 Posts |
Posted - 19 September 2000 : 05:09:04
it imports: - the users (doesnt set any security options, though) - the categories (no security, either) - the forums (yes, you guessed it: no security) - the postings (no locks, etc.)
i ran it on 3.1B3. just make a backup of your existing snitz forum db, then let it run. it doesn't delete anything. but you'll need to have full read access to all the UBB files (--> set the db connection string and the ubb locations in the asp file)
thats about it. it may not be completed, not be bug free, but as i said: it worked on my ubb 5.4x forum, so i won't improve it anymore.
Average Member
654 Posts |
Posted - 19 September 2000 : 12:37:09
very cool, i'll try and run it on mine later. if i run into any problems, i'll try and help it out :)
v ø d k â f ï § h |
Snitz Forums Admin
3545 Posts |
Posted - 29 September 2000 : 22:55:41
adding this script to our new addon/etc... area as well...
<center>Reinsnitz (Mike) <font color=red>><)))'></font id=red>
<font color=green>"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." -- 2 Tim 1:7</font id=green></center> |
New Member

52 Posts |
Posted - 24 October 2000 : 20:00:37
FYI, I've changed the code quite a bit today to support a single connection and corrected a few bugs. Where should I put it so others could get to it? (see posting in general help area).
Starting Member
5 Posts |
Posted - 01 November 2000 : 10:39:13
The question is this.. should I attempt to run this on my ubb? it just broke the 10,000 post mark. I think i'll try it this weekend (on a copy of the board that is, might be blonde BUT). Any advice??? I want to setup a SQL connection for the db part of the forum and go on from there...
ANY AND ALL ADVICE would be useful on this.
Starting Member
5 Posts |
Posted - 02 November 2000 : 16:16:34
well i tried it on a small board (100 or so posts) and it SEEMED to be going ok but when it finished, the categories were there but there were no members listed, and no threads in any categories. Is this possibly due to a glitch on my part?
Junior Member
147 Posts |
Posted - 27 November 2000 : 02:10:43
what do you mean no security ?
what i really wanna do is just import forums possibly just selective forums
also .. maybe just a single post
is it possible ?
Snitz Forums Admin
16655 Posts |
Posted - 27 November 2000 : 02:21:15
I believe by no security, it means that moderators on your UBB will be just normal users after the import (until you make them moderators).
Also, private forums will be just regular forums (until you make them private on Snitz).
Locked Topics will probably not be locked after the import either. |
Junior Member
147 Posts |
Posted - 27 November 2000 : 23:02:08
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote> Start
Server.MapPath() error 'ASP 0214 : 80004005'
Invalid Path parameter
/import.asp, line 310
The Path parameter excedes the maximum length allowed. <hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote>
i get this error using the import script :(
help .. please
New Member

73 Posts |
Posted - 29 November 2000 : 13:46:53
This is the error I get when I am adding my users, user 175 and 1765 have regular usernames, no strange characters.
I have a total of about 6500 useres to import
<pre id=code><font face=courier size=2 id=code> .......... Added User 174 Added User 175
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 's'.
/import.asp, line 337
This is line 337 rsRecords.Open sSQL, strConnString, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic </font id=code></pre id=code> Any suggestions?
Thanks for what I hope to be an awsome tool!
Importing to a SQL 7 DB on Win2k Adv from UBB 5.45c
Edited by - lancepr on 29 November 2000 13:50:14 |
New Member

73 Posts |
Posted - 29 November 2000 : 20:55:12
I was wrong I had ' in the names, I am working on removing those right now I will update with my results.
New Member

73 Posts |
Posted - 30 November 2000 : 15:27:57
Didn't realize how big our bbs has become.
I imported 8752 users and about 50,000 posts
Here are the changes I had to make for it to work for me.
I added this at the begining
<pre id=code><font face=courier size=2 id=code> Server.ScriptTimeout = 50000
Response.Buffer = False 'We are going to use kill quotes function FUNCTION KillQuotes(theString) KillQuotes=Replace(theString,"'","''") END FUNCTION </font id=code></pre id=code>
Then replace sUser with KillQuotes(sUser) and I did't import any of the homepage urls, the ~ was giving me problems so I just imported blank data into that field.
Hope this helps some one.
Junior Member
147 Posts |
Posted - 03 December 2000 : 14:04:27
my trouble now is the delimiters
i opened it using Notepad it it shows up one really long line
but when i open it in Wordpad .. it shows up with multiple lines
when i save it in wordpad and then open it up back up in notepad it has multiple lines
thats my problem with the importing the forums ... anyway to change the delimiter the import script uses or is there a fast way to change the .cgi files ?
Starting Member
14 Posts |
Posted - 03 December 2000 : 15:12:26
i recommend you UltraEdit 7.xx ( for text editing. it has some handy features. one of them is to convert line delimiters from unix style to windows style and vice versa.
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