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Access 2000 Support Moderator
3020 Posts |
Posted - 01 September 2000 : 16:04:28
I posted this in another topic, but I thought I'd post it here as well.
Here is a link to all of my changes:
<font color=red>Fixed the link address..sorry<img src=icon_smile_blush.gif border=0 align=middle></font id=red>
This has all the code that I've changed since the original version and a copy of the database (with almost all the data removed of course) so you can see what I've changed.
The code is based on Version 3 (it's got the SR2 code in it). There's some of the beta stuff in it, but not all. Some of the pages are changed basically to try and speed them up a bit (inc_top and inc_foot for example).
What I've added: ** Variable Paging ** Sorting of Categories, Forums, Topics ** Minimizing categories on first page ** Subscribe to topics ** Enhanced Post page (based on Scott Lemieux's{spelling?) code ** Enhanced Topic counting (each members post will show the correct post count as of a posting) ** Enhanced send to friend code (Scott's code) ** Printer Friendly Version (Lord Maverick's code) ** hiding of Admin functions
What's not there: ** The config using Application variables ** Enhanced Profile Editor ** last posted by
There maybe more, but I can't remember what it is. Take a look and use whatever you can. I've changed some of the code pretty heavily to try and keep it as efficient as possible (topic.asp and post.asp come to mind).
Hope someone can find this useful...
Dave Maxwell -------------- When's the next meeting of Snitzaholics Anonymous<img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle>
Edited by - davemaxwell on 01 September 2000 16:05:02
Edited by - davemaxwell on 05 September 2000 08:03:22 |
New Member

69 Posts |
Posted - 01 September 2000 : 20:19:05
Ack! the link is not a side note is there a repository for all this doctored code and all the mods? If not I think we should make one... It would be nice to have all of this stuff in one location.<br>
Edited by - pk_zone on 01 September 2000 20:25:51 |
Average Member
553 Posts |
Posted - 01 September 2000 : 22:07:05
I think he meant to post
<img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>
<font size=2><font color=red>"Technology so advanced, even <i>we</i> don't understand it."</font id=red></font id=size2> |
Starting Member
United Kingdom
6 Posts |
Posted - 04 September 2000 : 06:11:05
There seems to be some code errors and some code missing. When I run default.asp there are a few missing '&'s and '"'s. Also, the CheckAnnouncements() function seems to be incomplete.
Please can you take a look at this as I can't wait to use this code.
Access 2000 Support Moderator
3020 Posts |
Posted - 05 September 2000 : 08:02:22
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote> CheckAnnouncements() <hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote> ??????
DOH!! I forgot all about that!! That code doesn't work yet (I'm working on it now...)
What other code doesn't work?? As far as I know, all the code I listed in the original post works fine (it's the one I'm working on at my test site and I haven't run into anything related to the code I listed in the original post)
My test site is
If there is a problem with the announcements, give me a chance to work on it this week. If it's another problem, please try it out on my site and let me know what problems you're having....
Dave Maxwell -------------- When's the next meeting of Snitzaholics Anonymous<img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle> |
Starting Member
2 Posts |
Posted - 10 September 2000 : 17:28:15
Whom It May Concern:
I copied all the files from the Now, for some reason I am receiving an error on DEFAULT.ASP. It says the following:
---------------- Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0401'
Expected end of statement
/forum/Default.asp, line 462
strSql = strSql & " WHERE " strTablePrefix & "ANNOUNCEMENTS.DATE_EXPIRES < " Now() ----------------------------^
Someone please help. Dave I would love to hear your comments. Talk to everyone soon.
Best Regards,
Shain Bergman
Shain B. BexleyHigh Network |
Retired Admin
5511 Posts |
Posted - 10 September 2000 : 17:49:32
Shain -
There is a <b>&</b> missing:
<pre id=code><font face=courier size=2 id=code> strSql = strSql & " WHERE " <b>&</b> strTablePrefix & "ANNOUNCEMENTS </font id=code></pre id=code>
<b>Pierre Gorissen </b><img src="" border=0> <font color=purple><font size=1>A fool learns from experience... a wise man learns from others...</font id=size1></font id=purple> |
Access 2000 Support Moderator
3020 Posts |
Posted - 11 September 2000 : 08:41:45
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote> <pre id=code><font face=courier size=2 id=code> strSql = strSql & " WHERE " <b>&</b> strTablePrefix & "ANNOUNCEMENTS </font id=code></pre id=code> <hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote>
You'll also need an <b>&</b> before the Now(). Like I said earlier, the announcements aren't done yet (I forgot they were in there when I made the code zip file....). I'm working on them...
Dave Maxwell -------------- When's the next meeting of Snitzaholics Anonymous<img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle> |
Junior Member
464 Posts |
Posted - 03 October 2000 : 18:24:42
Could you please post a copy of the database again because the one in the zip file seems to be corrupt.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Isuru Amarasena |
New Member

68 Posts |
Posted - 07 October 2000 : 21:35:58
Hi, I'm back
Arg ... we have to redo all the job .. i will reinstall the mods, starting with the 3.1 final ... i like the minimize on the first page .. the printer friendly ... the sorted category (while i used the trick <!--1--> to name them so that it was easier , no code mod) etc .. did you change the files so that it will be applicable from the 3.1 final ?
it will again be a hard work ;p
Access 2000 Support Moderator
3020 Posts |
Posted - 10 October 2000 : 08:08:41
I'll be reworking my mods to work in the 3.1 version...
I hope to have it done within a week. I will post another zip file once that's done...
Dave Maxwell -------------- When's the next meeting of Snitzaholics Anonymous<img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle> |
New Member

68 Posts |
Posted - 10 October 2000 : 08:54:38
Thanks DAVE :)
you helped me so much at start :) i think that would help me again ...
Snitz Forums Admin
3545 Posts |
Posted - 10 October 2000 : 20:19:11
dave... 3.1sr1 is coming out in a day or so... you might hold off ;)
<center>Reinsnitz (Mike) <font color=red>><)))'></font id=red>
<font color=green>"Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. All men will know that you are my disciples if you love one another." --John 13:34-35</font id=green></center> |
Access 2000 Support Moderator
3020 Posts |
Posted - 11 October 2000 : 08:04:34
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote> dave... 3.1sr1 is coming out in a day or so... you might hold off ;) <hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote>
Works for me. I'll wait until then....
It shouldn't be that big of a deal (OK, so topic.asp basically got rewritten), but I don't think most of the files I need to change got changed THAT much...
Dave Maxwell -------------- When's the next meeting of Snitzaholics Anonymous<img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle> |
Junior Member
464 Posts |
Posted - 11 October 2000 : 14:22:12
1) Could you please post an Access 97 version of the databae in the next download? I don't have Access 2000 and I can't open the database.
2) You said you were working on an Announcements feature? What exactly would this do and where in the forum would it go?
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Isuru Amarasena |
Access 2000 Support Moderator
3020 Posts |
Posted - 12 October 2000 : 08:29:37
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote> 1) Could you please post an Access 97 version of the databae in the next download? <hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote> I'll try to remember to do that. Sorry about that.
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote> 2) You said you were working on an Announcements feature? What exactly would this do and where in the forum would it go? <hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=2 id=quote> Announcements would basically be posts which could not be replied to. Announcements could be made board wide or in specific forums. I had planned on adding an admin option to either display the whole announcement or just a title and allow the user to click into the announcement to read it. The way I was going to code it was to make the announcements always appear at the top of the page before the topics (on the forum page) and before the categories(on the default page).
Hope this gives you what you need. If not, let me know and I'll try to explain a little better.
Dave Maxwell -------------- When's the next meeting of Snitzaholics Anonymous<img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle> |
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