Are there any options available to have the new registered user to provide a valid email without having an admin pending approval review?
1.users register with valid address with password sent to provided address 3.users click on embedded link 4.the user can now use the forum 5.and Admin does not have to approve pending members
Current CDonts IIS 3/4/5 email mod on require unique email off email validation off restrict registration off require login to send email on
With email validation on the email is sent to the new user and the admin receives the pending member notice.
With the email validation off the new user can provide any unknown unverified email address and post right away.
Or am I looking for something that is not is the system.
I basically want the user to register with a valid email address and click on the link in their email, then the user can post after following the link. All this without admin intervention.
With email validation on and restrict registration off you get exactly what you want. There will be pending members, yes, all those that have not validated their email addresses, but there is no notification to the admin.<
Well if a member doesn't validate the email, the admin can always find that and, of he so choses, delete the member or active him. It's not mandatory, though.<