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 Update Local DB from Online DB?
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Posted - 15 April 2008 :  22:54:28  Show Profile  Send sadra a Yahoo! Message
Hi to all,

How do can update local db in my computer from my db on my site, by a asp form???????

by this idea we can bakup db & update local db

[red]how soon is too late[/red]


United States
5768 Posts

Posted - 16 April 2008 :  13:28:38  Show Profile  Visit AnonJr's Homepage
Details tend to help with these sorts of things... and clarity. Clarity is good.

Since you're posting it here, is it a safe guess you're not talking about a Snitz database you are trying to back up? What type of database is it? What type of application is this for? What are you wanting to do? (with clarity this time)
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Posted - 19 April 2008 :  01:10:30  Show Profile  Send sadra a Yahoo! Message

I want update my mdb file in my computer from my site on internet by a form (transfer information on my internet site database to my mdb on my computer "my site installed on my com...")

[red]how soon is too late[/red]
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Snitz Forums Admin

26364 Posts

Posted - 19 April 2008 :  03:40:23  Show Profile  Send ruirib a Yahoo! Message
FTP the database file from the server to your computer if Access, use adequate tools to backup, if MySQL or SQL Server. In every single case, you can schedule the backup.

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Posted - 19 April 2008 :  22:50:27  Show Profile  Send sadra a Yahoo! Message
No, I want update my mdb without ftp, and when i conect to internet, by click on a form the latest data on my site, transfer to local mdb



[red]how soon is too late[/red]

Edited by - sadra on 19 April 2008 22:52:18
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Posted - 19 April 2008 :  22:55:27  Show Profile
table editor?
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Snitz Forums Admin

26364 Posts

Posted - 20 April 2008 :  03:01:18  Show Profile  Send ruirib a Yahoo! Message
Originally posted by sadra

No, I want update my mdb without ftp, and when i conect to internet, by click on a form the latest data on my site, transfer to local mdb



If you do it, recording all the table changes, for the 3 types of databases, then it will be a very interesting script. Please do post it here when you're done.

As a way of advice, you should be aware that you will need to change all the tables, just to know what was edited and when, so that you can download all the changes that have occurred since the last backup. It's not just a matter of downloading the latest records, but also of downloading any changes that may have ocurred on the existing ones... I'm sure it will be fun to code.

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Posted - 20 April 2008 :  22:52:21  Show Profile  Send sadra a Yahoo! Message

If you do it, recording all the table changes, for the 3 types of databases, then it will be a very interesting script. Please do post it here when you're done.

ok, but it is very difficult for me!

We need a script to identify all tables in DB and save the latest changes on "xml" file or "mdb" or..., in a periodic time, then transfer data to other DB...

who can help for this script?

[red]how soon is too late[/red]

Edited by - sadra on 20 April 2008 23:03:51
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Snitz Forums Admin

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Posted - 21 April 2008 :  02:48:16  Show Profile  Send ruirib a Yahoo! Message
What you are asking is very hard to achieve and you obviously have no idea of that!

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Posted - 21 April 2008 :  22:56:34  Show Profile  Send sadra a Yahoo! Message
Originally posted by ruirib

What you are asking is very hard to achieve and you obviously have no idea of that!


1- a table upkeep latest update time
2- cheking tables were changes after that time by "post date", "reply date" or "edited date" or ...
3- transfer all changed data to destination db

[red]how soon is too late[/red]

Edited by - sadra on 21 April 2008 23:09:53
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Snitz Forums Admin

26364 Posts

Posted - 21 April 2008 :  23:28:45  Show Profile  Send ruirib a Yahoo! Message
You have no idea, really? What about if someone edited their profile - there is no date to record it... and forum or category editing.... or config changes, which could be one of tens of config values... How would you know what has changed?!

I made my point, I won't discuss this any further.
I really hope you enjoy the coding!

P.S.: Databases have a mechanism to do this - it's called replication. Go read a bit about it, maybe then you will finally understand what it is, how it can be implemented and the effort required to do it, which even goes to the point of timestamping each database record (yes, every single record in every single table) just to know what changed. And allowing master and replica to change makes it even harder to reconcile master and replica... but of course, this is just me trying to confuse you, cause you have this all figured out and it's really, really simple.

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Starting Member

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Posted - 25 April 2008 :  23:18:04  Show Profile  Send sadra a Yahoo! Message
No! I have no idea, really!

Tanx ruirib...

[red]how soon is too late[/red]
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