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 TWO dropdown menus
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46 Posts

Posted - 20 April 2008 :  08:04:07  Show Profile
HELP!! lol

Im struggling to work out how to set up TWO dropdown menus that consist of the same information - in this case football managers names.

The reason I need two dropdown menus is so users to my site can choose TWO different peoples names (one from each menu) and they will be given the statistics of those people so they can be compared.

I run a non-league football (soccer) website and I am trying to allow visitors the opportunity to look at individual `past` managers and compare them to one-another. ie, games managed, won, lost etc etc.

I can do it with ONE dropdown but cannot find anywhere which shows how to set up TWO dropdowns and then drag the info from a database?

Any help would be highly appreciated...

Edited by - Presario on 20 April 2008 08:04:32

Starting Member

46 Posts

Posted - 20 April 2008 :  08:56:30  Show Profile
A perfect example of what IM looking to do can be found here :

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Average Member

589 Posts

Posted - 21 April 2008 :  19:38:38  Show Profile
Well the front end will be something like

strSql = "SELECT <<BLAH>> FROM <<TABLE>>"
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") strSqlUser, my_Conn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText

if rs.EOF then
	recCount = ""
	allData = rs.GetRows(adGetRowsRest)
	recCount = UBound(allData,2)
end if

set rs = nothing

if recCount <> "" then
	Response.Write "<select name=""<<name here>>"">"
	for x = 0 to recCount
		Response.Write "<option value =""" & allData(0,x) & """>" & allData(0,x) &"</option>"
	Response.Write "</select>"
	Response.Write "<select name=""<<name here>>2"">"
	for x = 0 to recCount
		Response.Write "<option value =""" & allData(0,x) & """>" & allData(0,x) &"</option>"
	Response.Write "</select>"
	Response.Write "NO <<BLAH>> FOUND!"
end if

This isn't perfect as one can select the same person but I'm sure someone know the javascript to change that.

But to code the back end we would need to know a little more how your db is set up and what you want.
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