I would like set some color with my personal color. I mean that I would like set a color made with graphic software. For example I would lime use a persila color for Category Backgroud color. Where should I put on the server this new color I make it?
Thanks for advise.....but I already know the feature using Hex code.
Using hex code, I have the color bar all the same color. For example, I f I want simulate graphic color I mean half bar with a color hal bar with anorthe color, I cannot do it using hex color:Is it correct?
I installa an atomic MOd....but It's not what I wanted...
Infact I can still use a normal flat color.....but I would like set a graphic color.......for example I would like set a header bar with composite color or a color made by me.....
Do someone advise me which mode I can use or what I can do?
In that mod you can set a graphic to be the background. Which package did you download? There is one that is just colors and there is one that is colors and a graphic. I believe by default they have a invisible.gif in the image area upload your image to the images directory and then put the name of the image where the invisible.gif is at.
if I put the gif image instead of invisible.gif I see the right color...but when I update the configuration......I always see the color in Header Background Color setted.
ES.: Header Background Color is orage Header Background image lightorangegradient.gif
But in the forum I have the color setted in Header Background Color...
do yuo known what I have to change?
I have this atomic mod: Advanced Color Picker with gradients