Following on from the above, after installing the function fUserAgent(ua) you may notice a percentage of the visitors to your forum, are bots/crawlers etc. A special file that should stop compliant robots from crawling your website. Download Robot.txt<
Tip: Quote: "Would it be possible for you to link to a txt copy of this? Copying and pasting it does not keep the formatting. It become all run together." If the code is not too long, I tend to put the code inside the [scrollcode][code]...... code here...... then close by the [ / code ] [ / scrollcode ] tags . Spaces put in tags to stop them activating here.
Mine shows me as having IE7. I'm not sure why yours is reporting wrong. You can visit my forum and see if it is reporting correctly. You can log in with demo/demo.<
Thanks for the updates. Noticed that it says that I am using IE6 although I am actually using IE7.
There isn't a version number for Firefox, I thought that on one version of this MOD there used to be.
Firefox does things a little differently. Inserting this routine immediately after the detection of Firefox as a browser will give you the version number:
for x = 1 to len(strUserAgent)-8 if mid(strUserAgent,x,8)="Firefox/" then strBrowser = "Firefox " & mid(strUserAgent,x+8,3) end if next