I resolved this mere minutes before going to sleep ....URLSCAN on IIS was detecting the word DELETE in the URL and rejecting it. Hope this maybe helps someone one day who gets this this strange error :) --------------------------------------------------------------------
Hi All
This issue has been driving me nuts for several hours now and I am just about all snitz'd out and need help now.
I moved my forum from one server to another, all went smoothly and the forum is working perfectly except when I click on "delete a user" or "delete a topic" ...both of those links open up the pop_delete.asp file and I get the error "The system cannot find the file specified."
The file does indeed exist, I even replaced it from a fresh download of Snitz. The permissions on the file are the same as the rest of the forum. What on earth can be causing this???
I also noticed that the "icon_folder_delete.gif" icon is not showing up in topics .... all the other icons are showing up. I also replaced the icon from a fresh snitz download.