I don't know the mod bobby131313 mentioned, it may do exactly what I am thinking.
If you just want the moderators to have a handful of the admin functions available to them, why not create a separate Moderator Options page with access to only those functions. Then add the link to it from the header similar to the way the admin options works.
u woudl problem have to make a new page just for the moderators to access like the admin optons link and u would just need to add a mlev check for the moderators (mLev = 3 i think) that should do the thing that u want. but then again them kind of option u only need to set once and the admin will do it...there is no reason to turn them option on/off when ever a mod feels like it.
Your post gave me an idea to throw together a page that allows the moderators access to the statistics on the site (this is an intranet site and the managers only have moderator access but love to hear the statistics). It is pretty simple and should be easy to tweak for what you want.