There are loads of hit counters available. Just plug it in to Google and you'll find something appropriate.
You'd probably want to add the code to inc_footer. Thing is, this would sure tot up quickly and IMO be pretty useless. Do you really need a counter? There is a Stats MOD available if you do a search. Certainly more useful than a number.
actually it is not a counter .. I posted incorrectly.. sorry it is a hits box... like to rank me on a ranking site compared to other places similar to mine and I am missing the hits because it isn't on my message board.
Notepad (comes with Windows) or some other text editor (Notepad++ is a good, free one with syntax highlighting). If you have something like Dreamweaver or (ick) FrontPage, you can use those too - you just have to use the code view. Be a little cautious that FrontPage doesn't try to "help" you too much... its ruined a page or two on me.
There are numerous other options, and you'll get different recommendations based on everybody's personal preferences.