First of all thanks to all that responded to my previous calls for help. There may come the day that I can help someone and repay your kindness. I'm using version 3.3.03 and generally it's doing a good job but a few things are still bugging me. 1. There is no inc_header file. What file performs it's functions?
2. The present setup allows an unregistered person to click the link on the (ugly) home page and get to the forums page and read the headers and stats. They get stopped cold when they try posting. That's ok, I guess, but here's what I would like: An unregistered person gets to the home page and reads the welcome message. He decides to click the link but gets stopped and told he must register before he can proceed. My forum was that way when I joined as a member but when I took it over that behavior changed. That tells me that a mod has been removed. The former owner gets very angry when I ask about things like that so I must ask here.
3. There appears to be no way to access the smilies. They're physically present but no way to see what's there.
Let me say thanks in advance for any help you can give. Worren, owner
1) inc_top.asp if I remember correctly 2) Your home page doesn't really know anything about the forum, so you would need to write some code to check the users cookie to ascertain whether they are a logged in member or not, but that may prevent legitimate members who are not logged in from enterring the forums as well 3) may be an option in admin, but not sure off hand.
Note I would seriously recomend that you upgrade to the latest forum code, there have been a lot of security updates to the base code since 3.3.03 which if not implemented could leave you open to severe hacking by unscrupulous people
Thanks HuwR for the quick response. I've checked inc_top already and it doesn't appear relevant. Your answer to number 2 started me thinking. Maybe a link directly to the registration area would do the trick. Only thing is, I'm too new at this to be able to write the code. Number 3 is not an option in the admin area. I was a member for years when the owner decided to dump the board. I was the only one who showed any interest so I got it. Never did this before. The former owner also said it had been heavily modded and I proved that by downloading the zip of the version and comparing file sizes. There's a huge difference. Right now I'm trying to get it set up the way I want it while I prepare the upgrade which I already have on a test forum. It is relatively featureless compared to what I have so I better stick to what my members are used to or risk losing them.